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[FIXED]Lack of Info in the game?
Where is the information about the factory reconstruction time? (sorry for bad english)

well, I resize my factory. It said that it will finish at 11/1908. Ok, it's alright. I push the button resize and press "End Turn". Later on, I want to check when my factory resize task ETA, but I can't find the info. Unfortunately, I forgot about when it will finish. So I press the resize button and again and resize. Rather than the game give me the info that the resize work is already begin, the game allow me to resize my factory again.

The funny thing is, that the reconstruction report come twice. From my first resize act, and my second resize act. It's funny. I dunno if it's considered as bug, or a feature that the Dev forget to add to the game.
Some good suggestions that i've agreed with on previous occasions.

The first suggestion, to only allow redesign/resize once per turn ive suggested myself here.

The second one, that we should have better reporting of when things are due to be completed is mentioned here and here.

I have a suggestion link thread that i try to maintain posted in my signature, its useful for keeping track of these things and is what i used in this case to see if the topic has been discussed before.
It doesnt include the majority of steam suggestions, but it does include the majority of suggestions from the official forums, like these ones.

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