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Branch dupes cars (Distribution) 1.18.2
First i wasn't able to apply all vehicles from one of my first branches (New York) to the ones i've built in 1923. All of them showed 25 of 28 (the missing ones are those that have been duped by the Vladivostok branch). After i applied them from one of the new built branches this happened.

Look at me...

All others are fine, just Vladivostok needs an extra cookie.

Attached Files
.rar   2.rar (Size: 3.94 MB / Downloads: 538)
You wouldn't happen to have the log file? Or did you restart the game since then?

I assume this was done in the mega menu? You Applied all the vehicles, then used clone branch? And then applied all on a different branch? All in the mega menu. Correct?
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
I think the game crashed on me and i reloaded - but i attached the logfile anyways.

I was using the mega menu, yes.

"Sell everywhere" for the new models (i guess it's been 2) and then i started applying the prices from New York to all the others (including the new ones).

After i found out about the 3 missing cars in the new branches distribution i cloned New York to one of these new branches and started applying the 3 missing cars from this one throughout the others.


Some times earlier i experienced another "bug" but i wasn't able to recreate it yet.

If you started selling a car through the branch window and set a price it still stayed at 0$ but another car's prices changed to the set volume.

Specific Example:

I wanted to add a full sized sedan to the branch distribution and doing so changed the price of the compact car - full sized sedan stayed at 0$.

Attached Files
.log   Logfile.log (Size: 475.74 KB / Downloads: 596)
I fixed a duplication of branch ID bug in 1.18.3, which may have fixed the issue you had with "Clone Distribution" I personally haven't been able to duplicate the problem, and I see that there are duplicate branch ID's thus why I believe that was the issue.

As for this bug:
Quote:I wanted to add a full sized sedan to the branch distribution and doing so changed the price of the compact car - full sized sedan stayed at 0$.

Where you in megamenu for this? Or World map? Or in the districting part of the game? Have you been able to duplicate any of these issues again in 1.18.3?
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
I did it from the branches section of the megamenu.

Wasn't able to replicate this since i haven't played much lately. Will update if it occurs again.

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