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[FIXED]Vehicle Length/Size in showroom and R&D dont agree
Ive attached a screenshot, in which i just edited together the R&D screen and the Showroom screen, in order to save me from posting two screenshots in another thread on the forum.

You can see clearly they seem to disagree on the Length/Width of the vehicle.

I can attach a save if you want, but ive loaded other saves and the bug seems to appear in all of them.
Its also worth mentioning that in that same screenshot, there may be another bug with the Vehicle Width in R&D.
As its in the exact same area, i didnt think it was worth another thread.

The Vehicle width in R&D just looks totally wrong, like there is a wrong decimal place/extra 0 in there. Also the conversion next to it from metric to imperial is wrong, more noticeable on very large vehicles.
I've seen some vehicles display lengths over 100m in the show room. I just haven't been awake enough at the time to grab a screenshot at the time lol.
(02-02-2014, 04:57 AM)Frankschtaldt Wrote: I've seen some vehicles display lengths over 100m in the show room. I just haven't been awake enough at the time to grab a screenshot at the time lol.

lol yeah i know Smile
I only noticed it when it said my vehicle was 5m long and 30m wide, that's a bizarre idea when you think about it Tongue

On the length issue: Im not sure ive seen that specific one. I only noticed the Width problem and the discrepancy btw R&D and showroom in the original screenshot and my most recent save.
Anyway, i think Eric is going to have to untangle exactly what is going wrong here. These may be two separate problems in the same area or related, i don't know.
This bug should of been fixed in 1.12, if it wasn't please make a new thread. Smile
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