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Engines per Model
Dear Eric,

I have been playing quite a lot on the game and as more as you play as more you get familiar with it. One thing i have noticed... and i come back on this topic because i think it's important and i personally think it will add value to the game. Let me explain.

Once you create a new model you are forced to select one engine. I think it would be great if you could get the chance to select different engines to couple with the new model you are about to launch. So the Vehicle will be like a box where you add inside many engines that all contribute to the overall sales of that model. As more engines you add as more the sales improved. I did not think how the calculation should be made per the incremental engine addition, this i would leave it to you.

One think that is important is that you don't have to create different trim/MY to have more engines on the same vehicle, especially because on all the reports yu cannot see the consolidate sales, but you simply see all the cars splitted up.

1) i create new model X
2) i choose the chassis
3) i choose the engines to couple (petrol 1500cc, petrol 1500 diesel, 2000cc petrol, 2000cc diesel etc etc)
3) i choose the gearboxes to couple (manual 5 speed, automatic 5 speed)
4) i design the model X
5) launch the model X
6) monitor performance of Model X

Once the car is launched i will monitor the car performance via the reports and i will be able to see Sales of Model X that is the consolidated sales of all the Model X combinations (Model X with 2000cc petrol M/T + model X with 1500cc diesel A/T etc etc)

Probably you might have already understood same thing can be done for the gearboxes.

Once i proposed you this suggestion before, you raised the problem on how to set different prices for each model/engines combinantion. I thought about this and the price for each model/engines combinantion can be set once you have to select the selling price for a vehicle. you can make a popup window appearing that shows you all the possible combination and the player can set prices as he prefer in order to create differentiation between the different model/engines comb. available for that model.

Of course the level of details can be very complicated regarding this issue but with a reasonable level (not too much) i think it can be implemented and user will appreciate. For instance i'm not sure if the brackdown of sales (sales per engine) will be necessary, maybe it is too much but of course it can be taken in consideration.

With today situation the game invite you to have one model with one engine instead of create more trim and add engines to a model (easy to check the sales on reports, set prices and so on)

Moreover with this method the reporting system will be much more clear and readable since you won't have 60 models to check but maybe just 15 due to the fact that different "trim" will be consolidated under one Name.

I'm open to collaborate with you on this topic and thanks for your consideration and continous support.
I have often wished for this. I do believe that such a system would be superior to the one currently in place. However, I do believe it would be a serious effort to implement and balance something like this. There's a whole slew of new variables involved with the system you're proposing, like how would the AI know what to build? How would the simulated "customers" decide which engine and gearbox they want? This really would be extremely complicated - though I do believe it would be worth it. That being said, I don't think we will be seeing something like this anytime soon. Maybe if Eric makes a ton of money with this Wink
Hi freeman,

The AI already know what to build and already simulate what "customers" decide which engine and gearbox they want. When you launch a different trim (so different engine or gearbox) the AI increase the sales of the new model and slightly decrease the sales of the previous, let's assume due to canniblisation (at least this is what i have noticed). With my suggestion you will have the same increment of sales consoldiated under one model name


Time N:
Model X (trim A) sales at N time: 100

Time N+1 (with today situation):
Model X (trim A) sales at N+1: 80
Model X (trim B) sales at N+1: 40

with my suggestion you will have

Time N+1:
Model X sales at N+1: 120 - with a +20% volumes because you start selling the same car with a diesel engine, let's hypotize.

The breakdown of sales per model can be the next step. =))
Sorry for the late reply. I was rushing to get 1.15 out, so anything that required thought and major decisions was put off.

As freeman2344 points out, implementing this would be quite a bit of work with marginal gains. While it does consolidate reports, I already have plans to merge trims together and to filter report results.

If this had been suggested 18 months ago, I would probably make a serious attempt at it. However with the current system and the current time constants, I can't make a serious effort into overhauling the entire vehicle system.

What will happen is anywhere you can select a vehicle, you'll be able to filter based on vehicle type and base model. Reports will be added that merge trim models into an "overall sales for a model" and the costs of making a new trim will decrease significantly. I believe the ability to filter out other models from the selection screen will fix most of the issues with the current system. But that's my opinion.

You also have to remember, that there is more than just engine choice with trims. I forget the car model (think it was honda) but the base I4 came only with cloth seats, the V6 only came with leather seats. This means the V6 trim had higher luxury sliders. Something your proposed system would not do unless we allow both multi-engine selection AND trim creation. I already get too many complaints that the GUI is too much... LOL

Anyhoo I look forward to your counter proposal or expansion on the above fixes i mentioned.
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
(08-08-2014, 10:11 AM)Eric.B Wrote: Sorry for the late reply. I was rushing to get 1.15 out, so anything that required thought and major decisions was put off.

As freeman2344 points out, implementing this would be quite a bit of work with marginal gains. While it does consolidate reports, I already have plans to merge trims together and to filter report results.

If this had been suggested 18 months ago, I would probably make a serious attempt at it. However with the current system and the current time constants, I can't make a serious effort into overhauling the entire vehicle system.

What will happen is anywhere you can select a vehicle, you'll be able to filter based on vehicle type and base model. Reports will be added that merge trim models into an "overall sales for a model" and the costs of making a new trim will decrease significantly. I believe the ability to filter out other models from the selection screen will fix most of the issues with the current system. But that's my opinion.

You also have to remember, that there is more than just engine choice with trims. I forget the car model (think it was honda) but the base I4 came only with cloth seats, the V6 only came with leather seats. This means the V6 trim had higher luxury sliders. Something your proposed system would not do unless we allow both multi-engine selection AND trim creation. I already get too many complaints that the GUI is too much... LOL

Anyhoo I look forward to your counter proposal or expansion on the above fixes i mentioned.

This sounds great Eric. I believe that these changes will already make the system MUCH better.

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