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[FIXED]Hiring labour
Hello there.

I have a suggestion about hiring labour. Currently when the wage offer is below or just on the average, there is a possibility of not being able to hire all the employees requested. The slider can be put to the maximum, but a pop-up window declares that only 'such and such' amount of people could be found.

That part is fine.

What I find strange is that I can then simply try again and again on the same game turn without increasing my wage offer. This then gives me a different number of employees and sometimes if I'm lucky, can actually fulfill the number I requested.

Can I suggest that once a request has been placed, it can't be done again on the same game turn unless the wage offer is increased?
Changed to an exponential function, thus removing the randomness. It should give you the same results every time! Smile

Marking this thread as fixed.
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good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
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