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[TESTING]Reports, Charts, and History Tables...
As of 1.04 we have launched the "Report" system, apart from feedback on this system I would like to know what other kinds of reports and charts you want or think we could use in game.

Here is a list of what we currently have:

  • Total Sales For Company By City
  • Vehicle Sales For Company
  • Vehicle Sales In City
  • Your vehicle Sales In City
  • Your Vehicle Sales by City
  • Your Total Sales per City
  • Your Total Sales by Vehicle

  • Transport cost per city
  • Marketing cost per city
  • Labor cost per city
  • Factory cost per city
  • Branch cost per city

  • Contracts
  • Dividends by Stock (obsolete)
  • Revenue by city
  • Revenue by Vehicle

  • Compare (your) models sales this turn from last turn.
  • All vehicle sales in selected city.
  • Marketshare in selected city.
  • All time marketshare globally.
  • Your 12 month profits/expense chart.
  • 12 month chart of your car sales.
  • Yearly chart of all your car sales.
  • Selected Model sales broken down by cities
  • Global Marketshare year to date
  • Yearly profits/expense chart.
  • Global Marketshare for this month.
  • Your stock chart.

  • Body Style Demand (Shows what body styles are in demand, demand is dynamic now)
  • Demand for your vehicles. (Shows if branches are requesting more vehicles than you are supplying, same data in world map)
  • Quarterly Report (shows sales and expenses for quarter, breaks down expenses into subcategories. Shows productions and sales for quarter and total inventory.
  • Annual Report (same for quarterly reports but annually)

From what I hear, the Sales tables categories are hard to read.

What other changes do you want or think we could do? Any reports or charts you want to see? Please let me know so I can add them!

Here is what I already have planed:

World Economic Report Shows global interest rates, fuel rates, etc.
Production Report Shows all the vehicles you produced, where, and how much you have in reserve.
History Tables Shows the sales of all your vehicles and AI vehicles over the entire game.

Thanks for any help!
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
We probably need two new reports:

- company-start-date to actualy date report (on top of Quaterly and Annual)
- marketing/racing (anything that is hard to percieve) report, or any other way to give the player feedback on their actions, both short and long term
Maybe You should do something like OLAP cube and ability (like SSRS in MS SQL Server) to choose data for columns, rows and details, so everybody could create own reports with exactly (more or less) information they need?
(06-09-2013, 01:33 PM)Shleizer Wrote: Maybe You should do something like OLAP cube and ability (like SSRS in MS SQL Server) to choose data for columns, rows and details, so everybody could create own reports with exactly (more or less) information they need?

That sounds like great idea, It would really allow players to customize their own business.
That probably could be done, formatting will be a pain though. The GUI lib I'm using isn't very flexible.

Thinking about it for a few minutes between typing the above sentences, I think I've figured out a decent way to create user-formatted dynamic reports.

Is this a feature we really want? Is it worth about a week effort?

(SSRS would be impossible as we're using SQLite, I don't think they support this feature)
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
Well, would players be able to save these charts to view in later months? And would players be able to create multiple, editable charts?
It could be done that way yes.

I would imagine I could make two list boxes, one on the left with stuff not in the chart, and one on the right with stuff in the chart. You move the items between the two lists. Then name and save your template. The system would generate reports for that template. You could go back in the past and view previous reports using that template. Theoretically you could create as many templates as you want.

The only problem is, these reports would be static, so not sortable. Also it's a little pain in the butt formating dynamic information horizontally. Example, lets say you wanted sales, production, avg price, unit cost, and gross on the same line. AS opposed to opposite lines... I could think of a few ways around it, but still...
"great writers are indecent people, they live unfairly, saving the best part for paper.
good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
if you read this after I am dead it means I made it." ― Charles Bukowski
I love the idea of custom reports, but only in case it does not make things too complicated or inconvenient to use.. Also, may be keep the premade reports for easy mode, and let the harder modes use the custom system?

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