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[FIXED]Holy Admin Costs Batman!!
I haven't had a chance to look at your bug yet as I'm not on my programming computer.

The formula for admin costs is pretty simple however: (number of branches*300)+(number of factories*1000)*1.05^(year-1899)

So worst case scenario Admins should only be costing you 1.3 Million

Employ wise the formula is:
4+(5*1.03^factories)+(3 * 1.03^branches) + 2*1.01^distroLines;

A worse case Employ wise is 68,000 admin employes. That's if you have a factory and branch in every city and sold an average of 4 cars in each.

So as to how you got a "labour cost of 271 million" I'll have to look at your save file as it's obviously a bug.

I haven't ran into this my self, and it hasn't been posted on here till now. Number/algorithm wise however such number shouldn't be possible unless you expand everywhere and admin wages get to $4000/month

So something is breaking it Wink

Quote:I know its just beta, but a word of advice: Fix these little bugs, and car stats and calculations and stuff like that before adding any new features.. Its pretty hard to beta test something that is unplayable..If I know my game is going to end because of problems like this, I can't bring myself to bother spending the time on the game...

As it is I only test the game every few updates, but even some of the earlier releases were more playable.. If the game were in a more playable state you would likely have more testers and more consistency on bug reports..

How the game looks now I probably won't bother playing again for another few months..

Actually I've been getting more bug report than I can handle lately...

I cleared out ALL doable bugs from the bugs reports list in version 1.10. Any other bugs were not posted in the correct location of the forums.

While I will get to everything in time, I normally take care of all issues in the bug reports forum, from oldest to newest first.

I do fix the little bugs when I can, they're normally the easiest to get fix. However new features generally break somethings. As for others minor bugs, such as car stats, I think people would rather not crash, or lose all their sales than have realistic body length measurements.

As far as number of people playing, Last build (1.11) had roughly 1800 downloads. Most don't post here, but I do gather all the information from threads about the game. (Such as Russian image boards, Reddit, Hungarian forums, automation etc)

I get to things when I get the time to get to them. Sorry, but I'm just one person. I put as much time as I physically am capable into the game even to the detriment of my own health. Your issues will get resolved, just give me time to get to it. Smile
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Messages In This Thread
[FIXED]Holy Admin Costs Batman!! - by Drake - 01-15-2014, 02:09 AM
RE: Holy Admin Costs Batman!! - by Drake - 01-15-2014, 06:30 PM
RE: Holy Admin Costs Batman!! - by Eric.B - 01-15-2014, 07:25 PM
RE: Holy Admin Costs Batman!! - by Eric.B - 01-15-2014, 09:08 PM
RE: [FIXED]Holy Admin Costs Batman!! - by Drake - 01-16-2014, 02:13 AM

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