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The magazine could be something much useful for example:

It would say all the cars on sale in the different regions, world wide and car types.
It will display basic information only, like the brand, model, overall rating and selling price.

It could have two different types of news:
-The manufacturers news that informs the player about the competitors products and technologies.
-The Market news that says the public opinion about the brands and new models, say what they think will be the newest things on sales and what the public will want.

-Not only show the reviews of our cars but all the cars and have the date of the review because there is no magazine that review a car all the moths.
-Comparisons could not be only numbers it could have the opinions of the writer saying witch is best and why.

It will be interesting if you could influence the opinion of the magazine in the review of the cars, by paying a little of money to have more appealing opinions of the cars...

I know that this is extra stuff but in time it would make the game much more complete.

Messages In This Thread
[IMPLEMENTED]Magazine - by girao - 02-15-2014, 10:46 AM
RE: Magazine - by Arakash - 02-16-2014, 08:09 AM
RE: Magazine - by JXHOGAN - 07-02-2014, 01:36 PM

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