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[FIXED]Individual Factory Line Retooling
I got it, I will try to use my factories with that idea in mind. I apologize for suggesting fixes to problems that do not exists. Tongue I would also like to add a scenario and ask what you should do to make sure i understand this method correctly.

I sell over a thousand micro cars in Europe but only about 100 pickup trucks. They both come from the same factory so when the demand for micro cars fluctuate by a few hundred. what should I do?

What I would and have been doing is constantly changing production lines for the micro car ( wither it was "retooled" or not) This requires me to remove and add again the pick up truck. (this is much harder to do when I am balancing 4 models)

If I understand you correctly I should let it over produce a bit before "un-tooling" the micro cars. Or even produce over a thousand of micro cars and pickup trucks, then just stop producing pickup trucks.

Or would it be wise to just build a factory for every model you sell, in every continent you are selling said model in? (assuming you could afford it)

And would it still be possible to show how many cars a line will make, even if it is a rough estimate? Or would these features mess up the way the game is supposed to be played? Sorry again for the beginner questions. Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Individual Factory Line Retooling - by MrX_ua - 06-25-2013, 08:40 PM
RE: Individual Factory Line Retooling - by islandcrimp - 06-25-2013, 09:30 PM
RE: Individual Factory Line Retooling - by Eric.B - 06-26-2013, 08:35 PM

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