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The magazine could be something much useful for example:

It would say all the cars on sale in the different regions, world wide and car types.
It will display basic information only, like the brand, model, overall rating and selling price.

It could have two different types of news:
-The manufacturers news that informs the player about the competitors products and technologies.
-The Market news that says the public opinion about the brands and new models, say what they think will be the newest things on sales and what the public will want.

-Not only show the reviews of our cars but all the cars and have the date of the review because there is no magazine that review a car all the moths.
-Comparisons could not be only numbers it could have the opinions of the writer saying witch is best and why.

It will be interesting if you could influence the opinion of the magazine in the review of the cars, by paying a little of money to have more appealing opinions of the cars...

I know that this is extra stuff but in time it would make the game much more complete.
Thanks for this, a lot of interesting suggestions here.
I like most of them.
There hasn't been a lot suggested for the magazine in other threads, so im happy to see some suggestions about it come up Smile

My favourite:
(02-15-2014, 10:46 AM)girao Wrote: -The Market news that says the public opinion about the brands and new models, say what they think will be the newest things on sales and what the public will want.
That market news would be really useful information, if you could combine say the body style demand and some kind of local opinion of the best vehicles in a city.
Compact A the most popular compact car in London/Europe. (not necessarily the highest selling, but if all were equal they would buy it)
Copied from other thread as requested...

A redesign of 'Gearcity Monthly' would be REALLY the moment it is hard to read, difficult to select what you want to compare - i.e. could you add the option to select only like car types, by which I mean compare your Compact to someone else's Compact....atm you have to know which is which already.

Also, I think you could add a whole host more info to the magazine.....sales data in a more approachable and journalistic form etc, stuff your game already has but just needs a friendly face to.....

Other items you could add:

1. Previews - what's coming up down the road from your competitotrs, triggered by them 'developing' a new component or car - the game knows how long it will take, so there could be an initial 'first look' which could potentially be very inaccurate (wrong in some of many ways, from car type to prospective cust. type, price etc...) with the reports getting more accurate as the release date nears....this would be very useful and would add a great feel to the game...

2. A historical page - in this month 1yr ago, 3yrs ago, 10yrs ago, 25yrs ago, 50yrs ago etc....where you show the cars that were popular back then and the big news of the cars, marques, bankrupt could do a new one every 2-3 months, changing the timeframe focus on a rotating basis so it is always fresh....with some witty comparisons to the 'modern' average mph of cars sold 50yrs ago compared to today...

3. An editorial style page - letters to the editor, events bubbling up around the world that may have an impact on the industry (or may, as it turns out, NOT). This could be interesting, funny and, for those somewhat historically challenged, useful as a potential predictor of doom/good times to come....could also show a little of which factors less world changing than say WWi and WWII that still had a pretty huge impact on the industry...and WHERE....

I'm sure that you have 100,001 things to do yet, and having seen and loved the game so far I am sure you will do far more things...just thought I'd chip in my 2c worth!!!

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