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Racing Setup Screen
Hey Eric,

been into racing lately and i don't know about the others but i always found it somewhat fiddly to get out the information needed or do the yearly setup for my teams in order to start the new season.

So i just played around with the interface a bit and made a slightly different racing screen.

Hope you don't mind.

I think it turned out quite well. Yet i'm not so happy with the "Apply focus to all series" button down there... it's just a sketch anyways.

Tell me what you think Smile

Racing Setup Screen

Now that I got filters in the racing screens, I'll look more into streamlining it when I go around to the touchup phase (after v1.22.) Although I'm not sure if your entire mockup will be do-able, some ideas I can steal from it.

For instance the Apply focus to all button would not work as there are 2 or 3 different types of "teams" in the game. The sliders aren't the same.

Also some of the styling is impossible, we can only do boxes. And coloring text in the list is a huge pain... Plus it all has to fit on a 1024x768 screen, which with the filters will be difficult. Wink
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good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
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I like this idea, I think it would be good to be able to filter which series you belong to, as well as filtering series by engine sizes, car styles, or just funding. Essentially anything that makes it easier to select which races you want to join and which ones you don't.

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