Bounty List

This page contains two tables listing the active and completed bounties. The tables also link to the forum post for the item that contains more details and descriptions.

For a graphical view of the bounties and their requirements, click here.

Active Bounties

These are items that still have an active bounty out for them. This table contains currently fundable and non-fundable items. Please click the link for the item to see more detail on the forums.

ID Name Status Tags Requires Required By Bounty
1 DLC Launcher Funded Launcher, GearCity Classic, DLC, GameEngine, Mod Tools, Settings Editor All $200
2 Vehicle Body Designer Mk2 Funded Artwork, Body Designer, Gameplay, GameEngine, GUI All $2000
3 Vehicle Body Designer Mk2 XML Editor Funded Artwork, Body Designer, GameEngine, Mod Tools #2 $500
5 Contract Windows List Filters Voteable Contracts, GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL), Filters, Optimizations #6 #63 $200
7 Interactive Museum Style Showroom Restricted (Price TBD) Artwork, GameEngine, Showroom, Vehicles, Interactive $15,000
9 Awards Presentation Video Cutscene Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Artwork, Video, Immersion, Awards, Cutscene $4,000
10 Awards Presentation Scripted Cutscene Restricted (Price TBD) Artwork, Video, Animation, Immersion, Awards, Scenes, Dialog, Humans, Cutscene $15,000
11 Standardize and Colorize Apply/Edit/Save Buttons Voteable GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL), Buttons, Colors, Text #12 $100
12 Dynamic Apply Button Coloring Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL), Buttons, Colors, Text #11 $750
13 Semi-Historical Mode Voteable Gameplay, Modes, Historical Events, Mod Tools $1000
14 Simulate Engineering Firms Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Contracts, AI, Licensing #93 #105, #241 $2000
16 Non-Vehicle Subcomponent Restriction Voteable GameEngine, Vehicle Design, Component Design, Components, XML, Mod Tools #42, #43 $250
18 Autoproduction Quality Slider Per Marque Voteable Gameplay, Autoproduction, AI #17 $150
21 Component Production and Inventory Voteable Gameplay, Factory, Production, Major Change, AI, Autoproduction, Components, Inventory Management, Shipping, Reports #19,#20 #23 $2000
22 Additional Buildings And Restrictions. Voteable Gameplay, World Map, Expenses, Construction, Administrative, Research, Racing, HQ, Restrictions, GUI, Buyouts #24, #26, #123 $1000
23 Additional Factory Buildings Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gameplay, World Map, Expenses, Construction, Production #21 $1000
24 Move HQ Location Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GUI, Marques, HQ, Taxes #22 $200
25 Near Bankrupt Loans and IPOs Voteable Gameplay, Loans, IPO, Bankrupt $50
26 Quick Building Maps Semi-Restricted (Requirements) World Map, Maps, Buildings, Quality of Life(QoL), GUI #22 #27 $100
27 Regional and Subregional Map Semi-Restricted (Requirements) World Map, Maps, Quality of Life(QoL), GUI #26 $40
28 Hidden Regional Column In Reports Voteable GUI, Reports, Search, Quality of Life (QoL) $50
29 Show Share Holders In Stock Report Voteable Reports, Quality of Life (QoL), Data $30
31 Add Vehicle Type To Advanced Vehicle Design Spec Header Voteable RnD, GUI, Tiny Tweak $10
32 Custom Hotkey Mapping Voteable Settings Editor, GUI, Quality of Life (QoL), GameEngine, Hotkeys, Discounted #202, #203 $150
33 Complete Company Sales History Report Voteable Showroom, GUI, Reports, Data $150
34 Warranty And Parts Revenues Report Voteable GUI, Reports, Data, Warranty, Parts Revenues #35, #36 $100
35 Adjustable Warranties for Marques Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Warranty, Expenses, Buyer Ratings, Parts Revenues #34 #36 $300
36 Adjustable Warranties for Individual Vehicles Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Warranty, Expenses, Buyer Ratings, Parts Revenues #35, #36 $300
37 Fuel Price Directly Affects Vehicle Popularity Voteable Fuel Prices, Vehicle Popularity, Sales, Consumers $150
38 Company Profile Reports Voteable GUI, Reports, Data $350
39 Autoproduction Inventory Generation Mode Voteable Autoproduction, Inventory Management $1000
41 Munitions Control System Voteable War, Munitions, Factory, Production, Quality Of Life (QoL) $250
42 Aircraft Engine Component/s Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Aircraft, Contracts, Engines, Data #16 $150
43 Ship Engine Technologies Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Ships, Contracts, Engines, Sub-Components, Restrictions, Mod Tools #16 $350
45 Hotseat Multiplayer Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Multiplayer, GameEngine, Gameplay #46, #47, #48 $75,000
46 PBEM Multiplayer Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Multiplayer, GameEngine, Gameplay #45 #47, #48 $50,000
47 Unsynchronized Network Multiplayer Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Multiplayer, GameEngine, Gameplay, Networking, Chat, Login #45, #46 #48 $45,000
48 Synchronized Network Multiplayer Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Multiplayer, GameEngine, Gameplay, Networking #45, #46, #47 $30,000
51 Alter Duplicate Name Checker Voteable Vehicle Design, Component Design #49 $100
53 Trim System Revised Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Vehicle Design, Trims, GUI, Production, Branches, Reports, Vehicle Lists, Quality Of Life (QoL) #49 $5,000
54 Spin-off Vehicle Type Restrictions Voteable AI, Marques, Spin-offs, Vehicle Design, GUI, Restrictions $300
55 Spin-off Regional Restrictions Voteable AI, Marques, Spin-offs, GUI, Restrictions $300
56 Spin-off Disable Platform Sharing Voteable AI, Marques, Spin-offs, GUI, Restrictions, Platform Sharing #130 $200
60 Turbo Boost Voteable Component Design, Sub-Components, Gameplay $150
62 Diplomatic Relations Voteable Cities, Turn Events, Nations, Data, War, Tariffs, Restrictions, GameEngine, Gameplay, Mod Tools #61 #155, #156, #211 $500
63 Contract Production From Companies Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Contracts, Production, Gameplay #5 $1500
64 Fuel Delivery Sub-Component Voteable Engine Design, Sub-Components, Gameplay, Artwork, Mod Tools $1000
65 Compression Ratios Voteable Engine Design, Specs #157, #325 $500
66 Cylinder Bank Angles Voteable Engine Design, Gameplay #67 $300
69 Power Band Chart Voteable Engine Design, Vehicle Design, Reports, Data #57 #71 $100
70 More Gears Sub-Components Voteable Gearbox Design, Vehicle Design, Sub-Components, Artwork $200
71 Individual Gear Ratio Selections Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gearbox Design, Vehicle Design, Engineering #69 $1000
72 Material Selections Voteable Component Design, Data, Mod Tools #57 $1500
74 Braking Sub-Component Voteable Chassis Design, Sub-Components, Gameplay, Artwork, Mod Tools $1000
75 Powertrain Add-on Sub-Components Voteable Chassis Design, Gearbox Design, Add-ons, Sub-Components, Gameplay, Mod Tools $1000
76 Equipment Options Voteable Vehicle Design, Add-ons, Gameplay, Mod Tools, Data #57 #264, #268 $1000
77 Detailed Test Track Info Voteable Vehicle Design, Data, Reports #57 #78 $500
78 Visualize Detailed Test Track Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Vehicle Design, Data, Reports, Artwork #77 $1500
79 Add More Image Ratings Voteable Vehicle Design, Data, Image, Marketing, Reports #100, #145 $1000
81 Stock List View Voteable Stocks, GUI, Quality of Life (QoL) #6 $400
82 Multiple Factories in One City Voteable Factory, Production, GameEngine, Gameplay, GUI $800
83 Increase Factory Size Limits Voteable Factory, Production, GameEngine, Gameplay, GUI $300
84 Use Company Logos Voteable GUI #6 $100
85 Snap Picture of Vehicle For Reports Voteable Vehicle Design, Reports $1000
86 Remove Year Based Size Limits Voteable Vehicle Design, Component Design, Gameplay #61 $600
87 National Variables for Military Contracts Voteable Vehicle Design, Component Design #61 $600
88 Regional Fuel Popularity Voteable Gameplay, Data, Reports, Mod Tools #282 $200
89 Sub-Regions Voteable Cities, Regions, Data, Districts, GameEngine, Mod Tools #90, #95, #329 $300
90 Sub-Regions Popularities Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gameplay, Data, Reports, Mod Tools #89 $500
91 National Popularities Voteable Gameplay, Data, Reports, Mod Tools #61 $2000
92 Multi-thread Game Loop Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) GameEngine, Turn Processing, Optimizations $25000
94 Sales Caching Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GameEngine, Turn Processing, Optimizations #93 #114 $500
95 Autoproduction Sub-Regional Restriction Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Autoproduction, Gameplay, Regions, Shipping #89 $200
96 Move Windows Windowing to SDL Voteable GameEngine, Windows #148,#151 $300
98 MY Improvement To Designs Voteable Research, Ratings, Gameplay $500
99 Component Generation Voteable Component Design, Ratings, Gameplay, Refit, Modify #57 $1000
100 Car Shows Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Marketing, Gameplay, Image, GUI #79 $2500
101 Concept Cars Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Marketing, Gameplay, Vehicle Design, Image #57,#100 $500
102 Public Share Holders Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Stocks, Gameplay #103 $600
103 Stock Manipulation Prevention Voteable Stocks, Gameplay, Spin-offs #102 $500
104 Auto Renew Contracts Voteable Contracts, Quality Of Life (QoL), Auto Systems $100
105 Show Winning Bid Score Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Memos, Contracts, Data #14 $200
106 Add Office Settings Main Menu Voteable GUI, GameEngine, Settings Editor #6 $100
107 Offroad Rating and Climb Spec Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Ratings, Specs, Vehicle Design, Offroad, Military, Chassis Design #71, #76, #108 #1049, #1050, #1051, #1052 $2000
108 Wheel Size Restricted (Artwork) Ratings, Specs, Vehicle Design, Body Designer, Gameplay, Restrictions #57 #107 $500
109 Weight Tweaks Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Specs, Chassis Design, Vehicle Design #73 $100
110 Save To Zip Voteable GameEngine, Optimizations, Settings Editor $500
111 Vehicle Size Class Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Gameplay, Vehicle Designer, Component Design, Major Change #114 $3000
112 Sports Classification Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gameplay, Vehicle Designer, Component Design, Major Change #57, #114 $1000
113 Luxury Classification Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gameplay, Vehicle Designer, Component Design, Major Change #57, #114 $1000
114 Sharing Vehicle Popularity Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gameplay, Major Change, Popularity, Reports, Sales #94, #111 #112, #113, #214 $2500
115 Add Torque Limit To Gearbox Voteable Data, Gearbox Design, Mod Tools, Discounted $50
116 Increased Antitrust Voteable Data, Lawsuits, Buyouts, Market Share, Restrictions #61 $150
117 Government Merge Blocks Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Lobbying, Buyouts, Gameplay, Restrictions #118 $300
118 Advanced Lobbying / Company Relations Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Lobbying, Data, GUI, Gameplay, Lawsuits, Taxes, Tariffs #61, #153 #117, #161, #212 $750
119 Increase Marque Buyout Difficulty Voteable Marques, Buyouts, Restrictions $50
121 Implement Angelscript / Vehicle Design Formulas To Angelscript Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) GameEngine, Modding, Mod Tools,Major Change #57 #122, #123, #134, #185 $5000
122 Move Buyer Rating To Angelscript Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GameEngine, Modding, Mod Tools, Major Change #93, #121 $1500
123 Move Construction To Angelscript Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GameEngine, Modding, Mod Tools, Major Change #22, #121 $1000
124 Prompt User Save On Exit Voteable GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL), Saving $200
125 Submit To All Contracts Voteable Contracts, Quality Of Life (QoL) $300
127 Too Many Rich People Voteable Sales, Gameplay, Data, Mod Tools, Discounted $300
128 Add More Map Data Points Voteable Data, Maps $500
129 Chassis Ratings Revision Voteable Chassis Designer, Ratings, Vehicle Design $500
130 Spin-off Platform Restrictions Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Spin-offs, Restrictions, Platform Sharing 8, 56 $800
131 Revise Vehicle Unit Price Updates Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Vehicles, Tiny Tweak, Prices 93 $100
132 Reports Scrolling Mouse Hack Voteable GameEngine, Reports, GUI $200
133 Small Magazine Redesign Voteable Magazine, Reports, GUI, GameEngine $400
134 Standardize Internal Units Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GameEngine #121 $1000
136 Vehicle Info To Reports Voteable GUI, Reports, Data, Quality Of Life (QoL) #57 #137, #138, #139 $600
137 Component Info To Reports Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GUI, Reports, Data, Quality Of Life (QoL) #136 #140, #287 $600
138 Marque Catalog/Model Compare To Reports Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GUI, Reports, Data, Showroom, Quality Of Life (QoL) #136 #140 $400
139 Add Vehicle Reviews To Vehicle Report Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GUI, Reports, Reviews, Quality Of Life (QoL) #136 $80
140 Component Catalog/Compare Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GUI, Reports, Data, Showroom #137, #138 #162 $400
141 Spread AI Actions Out Voteable GameEngine, AI, Optimizations #143 $300
142 AI Redesign Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) GameEngine, AI, Optimizations, Major Change #143 $6,000
143 50 More AI Companies Semi-Restricted (Requirements) AI, Maps, Artwork #93, #141 OR #142 $1,900
144 Revised Wage, Morale, And Strikes Voteable HR, GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL), Gameplay, Major Change, Strikes, Morale, Wages, Employees #189 $3,000
145 Revised Marketing Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Marketing, Sales, Buyer Rating, Reports, GUI, Quality of Life, Major Change #6, #79 $3,000
146 Complete OpenGL 3 Support Voteable GameEngine, Discounted #148 #147, #149, #150 $300
147 DirectX 11 Support Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GameEngine #146, #279 $600
149 Software Renderer Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GameEngine #146 $1,000
150 Metal Renderer Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GameEngine, Apple #146, #278 $2,000
151 Move Input To SDL Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GameEngine, Input #96 #267, #280 $600
152 Database Cleanup Voteable GameEngine, Optimizations $300
153 Nationalization Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Gameplay, Restrictions, Stocks, Nations, Munitions, Lobbying, Loans, Major Change #118 #154, #211 $4000
154 Socialism/Communism Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Gameplay, Restrictions, Contracts, Nations, Major Change #153, #155 $5000
155 Trade Restrictions Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gameplay, Restrictions, Nations, Major Change #62 #154 $1000
156 Advanced Tariffs Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gameplay, Tariffs, Nations, Data #62 $600
157 Head Flow Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Engine Design, Specs #65 $1000
158 Map Localization Voteable GameEngine, Translation $200
160 Image Localization Voteable GameEngine, Translation $150
161 Corruption and Build/Costs Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Game Play, Lobbying, Data, Construction, Expenses #68, #73, #118 $500
162 RnD Component Comparison Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Reports, Data, Licensing, Outsourcing #140 $200
163 More Fuel Types Voteable Sub-Components, Engine Design $400
164 Electric Direct Drive Voteable Sub-Components, Gearbox Design, Engine Design, Green, Electric, GameEngine #165, #167 $400
165 Electric Motor Count Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Sub-Components, Engine Design, Green, Electric, GameEngine #164 $400
167 Gearboxes For Electric Motors Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Sub-Components, Gearbox Design, Green, Electric, GameEngine, Mod Tools #164 $500
168 Fuel/Battery Range Voteable Vehicle Design, Electric, GUI, Gameplay, Buyer Rating $1000
169 Government Rebates Voteable Gameplay, Buyer Rating, Memos, Green, Lobbying #68 $1000
170 Buyout Price Adjustment Voteable Buyouts, Stocks, Expenses $50
171 Fleet Fuel Regulations Voteable Gameplay, Restrictions, Data, Nations, Discounted #68 $400
172 Road Taxes Voteable Gameplay, Restrictions, Data, Nations, Taxes, Buyer Rating, Discounted #61 $500
173 Management Decisions Voteable Gameplay, Action Memos $600
174 Center of Gravity Voteable Gameplay, Vehicle Design, Ratings, Specs #67 $800
175 Personal Wealth Voteable Gameplay, GameEngine, Stocks, Personal, Personnel, Major Change #176, #178 $800
176 Change Companies Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gameplay, Stocks, Personal, Personnel #175 #177 $1000
177 Hirable Managers Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gameplay, Personnel, Human Resources, Vice Presidents, Major Change #176 #178 $2000
178 Player As Manager Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Gameplay, Personnel, Person, Action Memos, Restrictions, Major Change #177, More $5000
180 Random World Voteable Random, Data, Maps #179 #181 $500
181 Alternate World Map Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Random, Data, Maps #180 $400
182 OpenGL Run Without Focus Voteable GameEngine, Settings, Settings Editor, Turn Processing $300
183 Adjustable Margin For Auto-Sell Voteable Auto Tools, Quality of Life (QoL), Selling 322 $200
184 Improved Recall System Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gameplay, Recalls, Warranty, Expenses, Action Memos, Management, Choices #68, #73 $500
185 Move Action Memos To Angel Script Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GameEngine, Modding, Mod Tools,Major Change, Action Memos #121 $1000
186 Developer Let's Play Voteable Media, Behind the Scenes, Tutorials $200
187 Quick Load Voteable GUI, Quality of Life (QoL) $100
188 Noise Regulations Voteable Engine Design, Vehicle Design, Mod Tools, Gameplay, Restrictions, Data, Nations #61 $2000
189 City Strike Variable Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Data, Maps, Strikes, Unions, Mod Tools #144 #239 $400
190 Assisted Designer - Design To Contract Voteable Chassis Design, Engine Design, Gearbox Design, Vehicle Design, Assisted Designer, Contracts, Quality of Life (QoL) $500
192 More Tax Data Voteable Data, Taxes, Expenses, Mod Tools #61 $800
193 Reduce Contract Profitability Voteable Gameplay, Contracts, Exploit, Difficulty, Discounted $50
194 Joint Partnership Voteable Chassis Design, Engine Design, Gearbox Design, Vehicle Design, License, Outsourcing, Design Costs, Gameplay $1200
195 Seating Number Voteable Vehicle Design, Specs, Ratings, Buyer Rating $800
196 IPO Memo Voteable Stocks, Memos, Quality of Life (QoL) $50
197 Newspaper Notification Voteable Newspaper, Data, Quality of Life (QoL) $250
198 Drop 1280x720 Support Voteable Newspaper, Data, Quality of Life (QoL) #6 $200
199 Autoproduction Fill Full Contracts Voteable Autoproduction, Contracts, Quality of Life (QoL) $1000
200 Merge Office Contracts Windows Voteable GUI, Contracts, Quality of Life (QoL) $600
201 Stop Resetting Subcomponent Selection Voteable Engine Designer, Quality of Life (QoL) $80
202 Custom Map Colors Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Maps, Colors, Settings Editor, Quality of Life (QoL), GameEngine, Discounted #32 $200
203 Custom Text Colors Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GUI, Colors, Settings Editor, Quality of Life (QoL), GameEngine, Discounted #32 $100
204 Reduce Trim Spam Voteable Exploit, Trims, Vehicle Design, Buyer Rating, Discounted $200
205 1880 - 1899 Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Artwork, Maps, Game Years, Data, GameEngine, Gameplay #59, #207 #1054 $6000
206 2021 - 2030 Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Artwork, Maps, Game Years, Data, GameEngine, Gameplay $8000
207 Venture Investments Voteable Loans, Financing, IPOs, Stocks #205 $1000
208 Tax Rate Slider Voteable Taxes, Expenses, Settings $300
209 Dealer Coverage Voteable Dealerships, Sales, Gameplay, Buyer Rating, Major Change $600
210 War Border Changes Voteable Maps, Data $500
211 Foreign Munitions Risk Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Munitions, War, Relations, Nationalization, Confiscation, Fines, Gameplay #62,#153 $800
212 Advanced Lobbying #2 Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Lobbying, Data, Gameplay, Lawsuits, Taxes, Regulations #68,#73, #118 $1000
213 Auto-Design Voteable AI, Assitant, Auto-Tools, Component Design, Vehicle Design $600
214 Displacement Classification Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Gameplay, Vehicle Designer, Component Design, Major Change #114 $1000
215 Age Regulations Voteable Sales, Restrictions, Vehicle Design, Data #61 $1200
216 Showroom License Reports Voteable Reports, Showroom, Licensing, Outsourcing $200
217 Bankruptcy / Insider Trading Voteable Bankruptcy, Action Memo, Stocks, Lawsuits $400
218 End Production Mk2 Voteable End Production, GUI, Mega Menu, Quality of Life (QoL) $400
219 Scroll Rounding Voteable GUI, Gameplay, GameEngine, Exploit $100
220 One-Time Expense Report Voteable Reports, GUI, Expenses $100
221 Add Production Capacity To Reports Voteable Reports, GUI, Quality of Life (QoL) $50
222 Used Vehicle Source Voteable GameEngine, Sales, Used Cars $300
223 Auto-Employ Voteable Auto-Tools, HR, Employees $50
224 New Drops Old Generation Sales Voteable Exploit, New Generation, Vehicle Design, Buyer Rating, Discounted $200
225 Variable Aero Drag Effect On Fuel Voteable Vehicle Design, Fuel Economy $300
226 Color Code Modify List Voteable End Production, GUI, Quality of Life (QoL) $200
227 Autoproduction Report Voteable Autoproduction, Reports $200
228 Direct Spec Input Voteable Vehcile Designer, Component Designer, Quality of Life (QoL) $600
229 Specific Component Modification Voteable Component Design, Ratings, Modify $400
230 Table Footers Voteable Reports, Tables, Quality of Life (QoL) $500
231 Scenario System Voteable Gameplay, GameEngine, Scenarios, Major Change, Discounted #232 $2500
232 Scenario Editor Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Mod Tools, Scenarios #231 $3000
233 Insurance Voteable Expenses, Insurance, Events $1000
234 Online Design Database Voteable AI, Vehicle Design, Component Design, Networking $3000
235 Custom AI Selection Voteable AI, Options, Settings $400
236 Notepad Timer Voteable Notes, Memos, Quality of Life (QoL) $200
237 Video Cutscenes Restricted (Price TBD) Artwork, Memos, Video, Immersion, Cutscene $15000
238 Replace Model Selector Voteable Mega Menu, GUI, Quality of Life (QoL) $150
239 Union Strength Voteable Unions, Strikes, Negotiations #189 $2000
240 Vehicle Size Rating Voteable Vehicle Design, Size, Penalties, Buyer Rating $1000
241 Generate Contract Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Outsourcing, Contracts #14, #242 $2500
242 License/Outsource Restrictions Voteable Licensing, Outsourcing, Restrictions, Exploit, Gameplay, Major Change, Discounted #241 $1000
243 Textbox Digit Grouping Voteable GUI, Quality of Life (QoL) $300
244 Visible Components Restricted (Price TBD) Component Designer, Artwork #67 $35,000
245 GUI Redesign: Phase #1 Restricted (Price) GUI, Major Change, Artwork, UX #136 #246,#247,#248,#249,#250 $35,000
246 GUI Redesign: Finance Restricted (Price) GUI, Major Change, Artwork, UX #245 $16,000
247 GUI Redesign: Office Restricted (Price) GUI, Major Change, Artwork, UX #245 $25,000
248 GUI Redesign: Racing/Showroom Restricted (Price) GUI, Major Change, Artwork, UX #245 $5,000
249 GUI Redesign: RnD Restricted (Price) GUI, Major Change, Artwork, UX #245 $75,000
250 GUI Redesign: World Map Restricted (Price) GUI, Major Change, Artwork, UX #245 $25,000
251 Full GUI Redesign Restricted (Price) GUI, Major Change, Artwork, UX #136 $150,000
252 More Music #1 Voteable Music $1,000
253 Vehicle Type Relations Voteable Vehicle Types, Popularities, Sales, Data, Mod Tools $500
254 Rename Military Pickup Truck Contracts To CUCV Voteable Contracts, Accuracy $20
255 Convertible Option Voteable Vehicle Design, Add-ons, Gameplay, Data $300
256 Contract Weighting Voteable Contracts, Winner Selection $600
257 Race Weighting Voteable Races, Winner Selection $600
258 Dynamic Racing Series Requirements Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Races, Restrictions, Variable Difficulty #259 $1000
259 More Racing Requirements Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Races, Restrictions #258 $1000
260 Speed Regulations Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Safety Restrictions, Nations, Data, Sales #73 $2000
261 World Map Clone Branch Voteable Branches, GUI, QoL (Quality Of Life) $50
262 Safety Testing Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Safety, Regulations, Restrictions, Nations, Data, Sales, Costs #73 $500
263 Emissions Testing Voteable Emissions, Regulations, Restrictions, Nations, Data, Sales, Costs #68 $500
264 Optional Equipment Research Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Vehicle Design, Add-ons, Research, Skills #76 #265 $1000
265 Optional Equipment Rating Range Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Vehicle Design, Add-ons, Research, Skills, Ratings #264 $1000
266 Network Vehicle Design Share Voteable Vehicle Design, AI, Data $1500
267 Touch Screen Support Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Game Engine, Input #151 $500
268 Suspension Tweaks Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Chassis Design, Sub-components, Ratings, Add-ons, Mod Tools #76 $600
269 Engine Smoothness Combos Voteable Engine Design, Sub-components, Ratings, Mod Tools $600
270 Mega Menu Default City Voteable GUI, QoL (Quality of Life) $100
271 Lower V-Max Voteable Vehicle Design, Specs, Ratings $150
272 FreeBSD Port Voteable Game Engine #272, #274, #275 $2000
273 NetBSD Port Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Game Engine #272 $5000
274 OpenBSD Port Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Game Engine #272 $5000
275 DragonflyBSD Port Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Game Engine #272 $5000
276 Linux ARM Port Voteable Game Engine #148 $1000
277 Linux POWER Port Restricted (Bounty Above Milestone Goal) Game Engine $20000
278 Mac ARM Port (M1+) Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Game Engine #150 $1500
279 Windows ARM Port Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Game Engine #147 $1500
280 Game Controller Support Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Game Engine, Input, GUI, QoL (Quality of Life) #151 $1000
281 Variable Valve Control Voteable Engine Design, Emissions, Valves, Sub-components #68 $1000
282 Fuel Infrastructure Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Fuel Popularity, Lobbying, Research, Expenses #88 $600
283 Dynamic War Variable Voteable Wars, City Data, Turn Events $400
284 Lawsuit Action Memos Voteable Lawsuits, Events, Action Memos $600
285 Motorcycle Chassis Components Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Subcomponents, Chassis Design, Motorcycles Motorcycle Body Artwork $0
286 Large Vehicle Chassis Components Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Subcomponents, Chassis Design, Large Vehciles Large Vehicle Body Artwork $0
287 Racing Catalog Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GUI, Reports, Quality of Life (QoL) #137 $300
288 Merge More End Turn Reports Voteable Reports, Optimizations, Game Engine $400
289 Regional Gearbox Popularity Voteable Gearbox Design, Vehicle Sales, Popularities $200
290 Select Multiple List Entries Voteable GUI, Quality of Life (QoL), Game Engine #50 $1000
291 Dynamic Factory Sales System Voteable Factories, Closing, Selling Assets, Expenses $800
292 Local Taxes Voteable Expenses, Taxes, Data, Factories, Branches $500
293 Racing Series Cooldown Voteable Racing, Restrictions, Exploit $50
294 Family Sales Report Voteable Reports, Sales Figures, Data $100
295 Select Suppliers Voteable Gameplay, Vehicle Design, Component Design, Expenses, Contracts $1000
296 Auto Order Outsourced Vehicle Voteable Assitant, Auto-Tools, Outsourcing, Inventory $200
298 Bankrupt Report Voteable Reports, Data, Quality of Life (QoL) $100
299 Price Change Cooldown Voteable Gameplay, Restrictions, Sales Prices, Difficulty $300
300 Multi-column List Boxes Voteable Game Engine, GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL) #50 #301, #302 $1500
301 Embed Widgets Into Multi-column Lists Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Game Engine, GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL) #300 $2000
302 Redesign Lists using Multi-columns Semi-Restricted (Requirements) GUI, Major Change, UX #300 $1000
303 Unlock AI Logos Voteable Logos, Achievements, Artwork, Rewards, GUI $500
304 Different Vehicle Type Trims Voteable Vehicle Design, Trims, Ratings $800
305 Nation Adjectives Voteable Country, Text $300
306 Landlocked Nations Voteable Country, Text, Contracts $300
307 Equal Starting Voteable New Game Options, AI $400
308 Change Marque Voteable Vehicle Design, Marques, QoL Quality of Life #309, #310 $200
309 Bulk Marque Changer Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Vehicle Design, Marques, QoL Quality of Life, GUI #308 $500
310 Vehicle Marque Change Fee Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Vehicle Design, Marques, Expenses #308 $350
311 Expand Mega Menu UI Voteable GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL) $350
312 Disable SQLite Threadsafety Voteable Engine, Turn Times, Performance $100
316 Add Localized Threading Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Engine, Turn Times, Performance #314 $1500
317 Auto Financing Report Voteable Auto Financing, Reports $300
318 Sell Debt Voteable Auto Financing, Revenues, GUI $750
319 City/State Emissions Voteable Emissions, Maps $500
320 Random Emissions Requirements Voteable Emissions, New Game Options, Random System $500
321 CVT Emissions Voteable Emissions, Gearboxes, Design $500
322 Auto-Sell Compensate For Shipping Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Auto systems, Quality of Life (QoL) 183 $600
323 Expand AI Behavior To Favor Specific Components Semi-Restricted (Requirements) AI, Engine 58 $800
325 Fuel Quality Requirements Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Engine Design, Components, Fuel, Details 65326 $750
326 Operation Costs Buyer Rating Voteable Buyer Calculations, Vehicle Design 325 $750
327 Emissions Visual Maps Voteable Emissions, Maps 328 $300
328 Regulation Mapping Window Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Emissions, Maps, GUI 327 $600
329 Sub-Regional Transportation Cost Modifier Semi-Restricted (Requirements) Expenses, Shipping, Regions 89 $1000
330 Miles per Imperial Gallon Voteable Units, GUI, Quality of Life (QoL) $200
331 Assisted Development Pace Slider Voteable Assisted Designer, GUI, Quality of Life (QoL) $180
332 Improve Scale GUI and Save GUI Compatibility Voteable Engine, GUI, Quality of Life (QoL) $1000
333 Add Material Costs To City Sales Report Voteable Reports, GUI, Quality of Life (QoL) $150
334 AI Company Specific Vehicle Model Names Voteable Engine, AI, Vehicles, Mod Tools $750
335 End Game Summary Voteable Reports, End Game $800
336 Mega Menu Bulk End Production Voteable GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL), End Production, Mega Menu, Autotools $400
337 Racing Results Memos Cleanup Voteable Memos, Quality Of Life (QoL), Racing $50
338 Fill World New Game Option Voteable Engine, Settings, GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL), New Game $100
340 Marque Revenues Report Voteable Reports, GUI, Finances, Marques $1800
341 Adjustable Neuron Processing Penalty Voteable Gameplay, Difficulty, AI, Options $300
342 Implement New Production System on World Map District System Voteable District, World Map, Production, GUI #19 $1000
001 FBS Voting Website Voteable District, World Map, Production, GUI $750
000 Work On AeroMogul Voteable AeroMogul $500
1000 Motorcycles: Standards / Naked Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67 $3500
1001 Motorcycles: Cruisers Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67 #1002 $3500
1002 Motorcycles: Choppers Artwork Vehicle Bodies #1001 $2000
1003 Motorcycles: Sports Bikes Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67 $3500
1004 Motorcycles: Superbikes Artwork Vehicle Bodies #1003 $2000
1005 Motorcycles: Streetfighters Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67 $2500
1006 Motorcycles: Touring Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67 $3500
1007 Motorcycles: Sports Touring Artwork Vehicle Bodies #1006 $2000
1008 Motorcycles: Adventure Tourers Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67 $3000
1009 Motorcycles: Dirt Bikes/Dual-Sport Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67 $4000
1010 Motorcycles: Step-Through Scooters Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67 $2000
1011 Motorcycles: Underbone Scooters Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67 $2000
1012 Motorcycles: Mopeds Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67, #214 $3500
1013 Motorcycles: Dalniks Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67 $3500
1014 Motorcycles: Feet Forward Artwork Vehicle Bodies #67 $3500
1015 Redesign: Phaeton Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1016 Redesign: Limousin Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1017 Redesign: Landaulet Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1018 Redesign: Town Car Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1019 Redesign: Coupe Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1020 Redesign: Coupe 2+2 Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1021 Redesign: Coupe Utility Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1022 Redesign: Crossovers Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1023 Redesign: Microcars Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1024 Redesign: Roadsters Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1025 Redesign: Roadsters 2+2 Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1026 Redesign: Station Wagons Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1027 Redesign: Shooting Brakes Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1028 Redesign: Hatchback Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1029 Redesign: Full-sized Van Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1030 Redesign: Compact Van Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1031 Redesign: Microvan Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1032 Redesign: Minivan Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1033 Redesign: Touring Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1034 Redesign: Sports Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1035 Redesign: Supercars Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1036 Redesign: Sedan Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1037 Redesign: Full-sized Sedann Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1038 Redesign: Luxury Sedan Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1039 Redesign: Sub-Compact Sedan Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1040 Redesign: Fastback Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1041 Redesign: Pickup Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1042 Redesign: SUV Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1043 Redesign: Compact SUV Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1044 Three Wheelers: Trikes Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1045 Three Wheelers: Reverse Trikes Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1046 Three Wheelers: Freight Trikes Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1047 Three Wheelers: Tadpole Autocycles Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1048 Three Wheelers: Delta Autocycles Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1049 Offroad: ATVs Artwork Vehicle Bodies #107 $3500
1050 Offroad: UTVs Artwork Vehicle Bodies #107 $3500
1051 Offroad: Snowmobiles Artwork Vehicle Bodies #107 $3500
1052 Offroad: Buggies Artwork Vehicle Bodies #107 $3500
1053 Oldie Styles: Runabout Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1054 Oldie Styles: Voiturette Artwork Vehicle Bodies #205 $3500
1055 Oldie Styles: Cyclecars Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1056 Oldie Styles: Vis-à-vis Artwork Vehicle Bodies #205 $3500
1057 Oldie Styles: Tulip Phaeton Artwork Vehicle Bodies #205 $3500
1058 Coupe Styles: Personal Luxury Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1059 Coupe Styles: Muscle Car Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1060 Coupe Styles: Pony Cars Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1061 Coupe Styles: Berlinetta Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1062 Coupe Styles: Hardtop Coupe Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1063 Hatchback Styles: Combi Coupe Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1064 Hatchback Styles: Hot Hatch Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1065 Hatchback Styles: Liftbacks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1066 Microcar Styles: Quadricycles Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1067 Microcar Styles: City Cars Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1068 Microcar Styles: Kei Cars Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1069 Microcar Styles: Kei Roadsters Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1070 Microcar Styles: Kei Vans Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1071 Microcar Styles: Kei/Mini Trucks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1072 Station Wagon Styles: Two-Door Wagons Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1073 Station Wagon Styles: Full-sized Wagons Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1074 Station Wagon Styles: Hearse Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1075 Van Styles: Passenger Vans Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1076 Touring Styles: Torpedo Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1077 Touring Styles: Grand Tourer Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1078 Roadster Styles: Barchette Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1079 Sedan Styles: Compact Luxury Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1080 Sedan Styles: Sport Compact Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1081 Sedan Styles: Notchbacks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1082 Sedan Styles: Hardtop Sedans Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1083 Coupe Styles: Coach Sedans Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1084 Sedan Styles: Close-Coupled Sedans Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1085 Sedan Styles: Sedanets Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1086 Sedan Styles: Sports Sedan Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1087 Sedan Styles: Club Sedan Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1088 Touring Styles: Four-door Convertible Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1089 Pickup Truck Styles: Roadster Utility Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1090 Pickup Truck Styles: Compact Pickup Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1091 Pickup Truck Styles: Mid-sized Pickup Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1092 Pickup Truck Styles: Full-sized Pickup Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1093 Pickup Truck Styles: Medium Duty Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1094 Pickup Truck Styles: Luxury Trucks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1095 Pickup Truck Styles: Sports Trucks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1096 Crossover Styles: Coupe Crossover Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1097 Crossover Styles: Sub-Compact Crossover Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1098 Crossover Styles: Compact Crossover Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1099 Crossover Styles: Mid-Sized Crossover Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1100 Crossover Styles: Full-Sized Crossover Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1101 SUV Styles: Mini-SUV Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1102 SUV Styles: Mid-Sized SUV Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1103 SUV Styles: Full-Sized SUV Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1104 SUV Styles: Extended-Length SUV Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1105 RV Styles: Class A RV Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1106 RV Styles: Class B RV Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1107 RV Styles: Class C RV Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1108 Racing Styles: Formula (Open-Wheel) Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1109 Racing Styles: Sports Prototypes Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1110 Racing Styles: Open Prototypes Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1111 Racing Styles: GT Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1112 Racing Styles: Touring Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1113 Racing Styles: Late Model Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1114 Racing Styles: Sprint Cars Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1115 Racing Styles: Stock Cars Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1116 Racing Styles: Dragster Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1117 Racing Styles: Funny Cars Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1118 Racing Styles: Pro Stock Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1119 Racing Styles: Top Fuel Motorcycles Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1120 Racing Styles: Stock Trucks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1121 Racing Styles: Truggy Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1122 Racing Styles: Prototype Cross-Country Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1123 Racing Styles: Lightweight Prototype Cross-Country Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1124 Racing Styles: Cross-Country Trucks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1125 Fire Truck Styles: Platform/Ladder Trucks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1126 Fire Truck Styles: Conventional Trucks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1127 Fire Truck Styles: Water Tender Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1128 Fire Truck Styles: Airport Crash Tenders Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1129 Fire Truck Styles: Squad Trucks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1130 Van Styles: Ambulance Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1131 Van Styles: Box Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1132 Van Styles: Ice Cream Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1133 Van Styles: Canopy Express Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1134 Van Styles: Food Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1135 Van Styles: Milk Float Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1136 Truck Styles: Cement Mixer Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1137 Dump Truck Styles: Dump Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1138 Dump Truck Styles: Haul Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1139 Dump Truck Styles: Roll-Off Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1140 Truck Styles: WSV Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1141 Garbage Truck Style: Rear Loader Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1142 Garbage Truck Styles: Side Loader Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1143 Garbage Truck Styles: Front Loader Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1144 Semi-Truck Styles: Conventional Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1145 Semi-Truck Styles: Cab Over Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1146 Semi-Truck Styles: Sleeper Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1147 Semi-Truck Styles: Terminal Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1148 Semi-Truck Styles: Ballast Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1149 Semi-Truck Styles: Toter Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1150 Truck Styles: Bucket Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1151 Van Styles: Panel Van Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1152 Van Styles: Step Van Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1153 Van Styles: Panel Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1154 Truck Styles: Tank Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1155 Truck Styles: Flatbed Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1156 Truck Styles: Suspension Lift Tow Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1157 Truck Styles: Underlift Tow Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1158 Truck Styles: Heavy Off-Road Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1159 Van Styles: Armored Bank Car Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1160 Bus Styles: Combination Bus Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1161 Bus Styles: Bruck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1162 Bus Styles: Coach Bus Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1163 Bus Styles: Double Decker Bus Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1164 Bus Styles: Open Top Bus Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1165 Bus Styles: Transit Bus Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1166 Bus Styles: Duck Tour Bus Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1167 Bus Styles: School Bus Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1168 Bus Styles: Short School Bus Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1169 Bus Styles: Minibus Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1170 Bus Styles: Midibus Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1171 Bus Styles: Tourist Trolley Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1172 Tractor Styles: Garden Tractor Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1173 Tractor Styles: Compact Utility Tractor Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1174 Tractor Styles: Utility Tractor Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1175 Tractor Styles: Row Crop Tractor Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1176 Tractor Styles: High Crop Tractor Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1177 Tractor Styles: Combine Tractor Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1178 Tractor Styles: Two Wheel Tractor Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1179 Tractor Styles: Pushback Tractor Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1180 Heavy Equipment Styles: Loader Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1181 Heavy Equipment Styles: Backhoe Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1182 Heavy Equipment Styles: Bulldozer Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1183 Heavy Equipment Styles: Skid Loader Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1184 Heavy Equipment Styles: Grader Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1185 Tanks: Light Tanks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1186 Tanks: Medium Tanks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1187 Tanks: Heavy Tanks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1188 Tanks: Super-Heavy Tanks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1189 Tanks: Tankette Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1190 Tanks: Main Battle Tank Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1191 Armored Cars: Armored Car Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1192 Armored Cars: Scout Car Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1193 Armored Cars: Reconnaissance Vehicle Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1194 Armored Cars: Armored Security Vehicle Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1195 Armored Cars: Armored Rescue Vehicle Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1196 APC: Armored Personnel Carrier Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1197 APC: Infantry Fighting Vehicle Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1198 APC: Infantry Mobility Vehicle Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1199 APC: Amphibious Assault Vehicle Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1200 APC: Half-track Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1201 Military Engineering: Armored Bulldozer Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1202 Military Engineering: AVLB Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1203 Anti-Air: SPAD Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1204 Artillery: Artillery Tractor Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1205 Artillery: Self-propelled Artillery Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1206 Artillery: Assault Gun Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1207 Artillery: Mortar Carrier Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1208 Artillery: Multiple Rocket Launcher Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1209 Artillery: Missile Vehicle Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1210 Artillery: Tank Destroyer Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1211 Military Utility: Light Utility Vehicles Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1212 Military Utility: Half-Track Utility Vehicles Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1213 Military Utility: 6-Wheeled Cargo Trucks (6x6) Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1214 Military Utility: 4-Wheeled Cargo Trucks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1215 Military Utility: 6-Wheeled Tank Trucks Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1216 Military Utility: 8-Wheeled Cargo Trucks (8x8) Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1217 Forklifts: Large Counterbalance Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1218 Forklifts: Medium Counterbalance Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1219 Forklifts: Small Counterbalance Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1220 Rickshaw: Passenger Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1221 Rickshaw: Truck Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
1222 Rickshaw: Van Artwork Vehicle Bodies $3500
ID Name Status Tags Requires Required By Bounty

Completed Bounties

This table contains a list of completed bounties. The list contains the Milestone we completed the item in and a link for more information.

ID Name Milestone Tags Requirements Required By Bounty
6 Drop 1024x768 Support Milestone #1 GameEngine, GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL) #5, #8, #81, #84, #135, #145, #198 $20
297 Total Production Numbers Milestone #1 Reports, Data, Sales Figures $50
61 Nation Variables Milestone #1 Cities, Turn Events, Nations, Data, GameEngine, Gameplay, Mod Tools #62, #68, #73, #87, #91, #116, #118, #121, #172, #187, #192, #215 $300
50 Hidden Values Dropdown and Lists Milestone #1 GameEngine, GUI #49, #290, #300 $200
49 Move to ID System Milestone #1 GameEngine #50 #51, #52, #53 $200
4 Auto Loan Financing Milestone #1 Gameplay, Financing, Banking, Revenues, Reports $1000
30 Add Revenues And Expenses to Showroom Milestone #1 Showroom, GUI, Reports, Data $50
179 Random City Values Milestone #1 Random, Data, Maps #180 $100
191 More City Growth Variables Milestone #1 Data, Maps, Mod Tools, Discounted $150
20 Sales Projection System Milestone #1 Production, Sales Estimations, Reports #19, #21 $500
44 Autoproduction Custom Districts Milestone #1 Autoproduction, Shipping, Restrictions, Districts, Custom Districts $400
17 Autoproduction Quality Slider Milestone #1 Gameplay, Autoproduction, AI #18 $50
52 Change Vehicle Name Milestone #1 Vehicle Design, GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL) #49 $40
135 Vehicle Type In Showroom List Milestone #1 GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL), Showroom #6 $30
15 Aircraft Engine Contract Adjustments Milestone #1 Gameplay, Contracts, XML $50
68 Emissions Regulations Milestone #1 Engine Design, Vehicle Design, Mod Tools, Gameplay, Restrictions, Data, Nations #61 #86, #161, #168, #171, #184, #212,#263, #281 $200
313 Drop Windows XP, XP64, Windows Vista, and 32-bit OS X Support Milestone #3 Engine #314 $200
314 Move to C++17 Milestone #3 Engine #313 #315, #316 $500
148 Upgrade Libraries Milestone #3 GameEngine, Discounted #96, #146, #276 $1,000
57 Remove Ratings Limits Milestone #3 Vehicle Design, Component Design, AI, Gameplay #58, #69, #72, #76, #77,#80, #93, #97, #99, #108, #112, #121, #136 $1000
40 Add Contract Winners To Memo Milestone #3 Memos, Data, Contracts $25
67 Engine Height Milestone #4 Engine Design, Chassis Design, Mod Tools, Gameplay #66, #120, #174, #244, #1000, #1001, #1003, #1005, #1006, #1008, #1009, #1010, #1011, #1012, #1013, #1014, #1044, #1045, #1046 $150
8 Merge RnD View and Modify Windows Milestone #4 GUI, Quality Of Life (QoL), RnD, Modify, End Production, View Designs #6 #130 $60
19 Complete Factory And Production Redesign Milestone #4 Gameplay, Factory, Production, Major Change, AI, Autoproduction, Discounted #20 #21 $3000
159 Settings Localization Milestone #4 GameEngine, Translation $20
120 Increase Dimension Sliders Effect Milestone #4 Engine Designer, Tiny Tweaks #67 $50
58 Individual Sub-component Skills/Research Milestone #4 Component Design, Sub-Components, Skills, Research, Gameplay, GUI, Reports #57 #59, 323 $600
59 Sub-Component Rating Range Milestone #5 Component Design, Sub-Components, Skills, Gameplay #57, #58 #166, #205 $400
73 Safety Regulations Milestone #5 Engine Design, Vehicle Design, Mod Tools, Gameplay, Restrictions, Data, Nations #61 #109, #161, #184, #212, #260, #262 $200
166 Hybrids Sub-Component Milestone #5 Sub-Components, Engine Design, Green, Mod Tools #59 $1000
97 Remove Relative Ratings Milestone #5 Vehicle Design, Component Design, Ratings, Gameplay #57 $50
324 Auto-Financing Unlock Memo Milestone #5 Auto Financing, Memos, Quality of Life (QoL) $20
126 Backorder System Milestone #5 Sales, Reports, Gameplay, Major Change, Discounted $800
339 Bottom Bar Accounting Profit Milestone #5 Reports, GUI, Finances $700
80 Remove Two Buyer Rating Penalties Milestone #5 Buyer Ratings, Penalties, Gameplay #57 $100
93 Buyer Rating Caching Milestone #5 GameEngine, Turn Processing, Optimizations #57 #14, #94, #122, #131 $500
315 Speed Up Hash Maps Milestone #5 Engine, Turn Times, Performance #314 $200
ID Name Milestone Tags Requirements Required By Bounty