Archive: Included Suggestions
- Missing Financial Reports and Analysis (7 Replies)
- Grilles (1 Reply)
- [FIXED]Car Body Customization (5 Replies)
- [FIXED]French translation (2 Replies)
- [FIXED]Sales predictions (1 Reply)
- [FIXED]Magazine (3 Replies)
- [IMPLEMENTED]Detailed Racing. (6 Replies)
- [IMPLEMENTED]Racing Budget Per month or per Year? (1 Reply)
- [FIXED]Presitege Report Format (7 Replies)
- [FIXED]Date entry on Load Vehicle Button - R&D Vehicle Design (1 Reply)
- [FIXED] IPO suggestion (1 Reply)
- [FIXED]Show only active default on (4 Replies)
- [FIXED]Weight influence and top speed limitations (1 Reply)
- [FIXED]Research Teams GUI suggestions (4 Replies)
- [FIXED]Mail / Memo reading... (3 Replies)
- [FIXED]Factory under construction (1 Reply)
- [FIXED]Wider variety of Screen Resolutions (1 Reply)
- [FIXED]Startup suggestion (4 Replies)
- [FIXED]Playing with Unlimited Money (9 Replies)
- [FIXED]$0 funding research projects should be hidden (1 Reply)