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20 basic tutorial videos have been included in 1.12.
These videos will be re-recorded at a future date, but the current ones should help out any noobs to the game! Smile

Advance video tutorials, all audio tutorials, and the manual have not been completed in time. I underestimated the time it takes to write a user manual. It has to be the boring-est thing I've ever done on the game! biggrin

Anyway, I have a little more stuff to clean up in the tutorial GUI, then I'll start knocking off bugs until the weekend. Smile
(02-25-2014, 02:13 PM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]I underestimated the time it takes to write a user manual. It has to be the boring-est thing I've ever done on the game! biggrin

Reading those damned things are already boring enough, I don't envy you at all having to WRITE one of them oh
(02-25-2014, 12:37 PM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]Probably Saturday or Sunday... Sorry :|

I start a new job on Monday! Releasing the update the day before? That's just rude!!! LOL

Can't wait =)
(02-25-2014, 05:27 PM)Frankschtaldt Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-25-2014, 12:37 PM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]Probably Saturday or Sunday... Sorry :|

I start a new job on Monday! Releasing the update the day before? That's just rude!!! LOL

Can't wait =)

You could always bring it into your new job on a flash drive and play at work! Smile
A few more bug fixes as we get closer to a finished 1.12 build:
Fixed Shipping Priority Check Bugs.
Minor Adjustment to Sales Priority Values
Fixed retool all branches bug,
Fixed retool all factories bug,
Fixed retool branches/factories incorrect values.
Fixed bug in random events that charge you for AI expenses.
Fixed $0 Component Bug
Adjusted Degrade values
Degrade only effects components younger than a certain year.
Included Minimum Component value.
Fixed Bankruptcy Flags reset.

Two or three more days of bug fixes then we'll be ready for 1.12 build. Smile
(02-26-2014, 12:53 PM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]You could always bring it into your new job on a flash drive and play at work! Smile

lol, possiblt a good way to kill time on a Friday afternoon!
Few more bugs knocked out, the build is almost finalized.

Here is what we have:
Removal of vehicles from sale will remove marketing
Fixed scroll bar clipping in megamenu
Fixed component contracting price display
Fixed marketing staff auto tools bugs
Fixed loan assists and updated all companies assists
Fixed Loan Interest Rates and monthly payments
Possibly fixed broken marque component contracting bug.
Fixed Discontinued components window issues
Marketing Skills Report now is relative instead of absolute.
Fixed regional combobox bug
Fixed Latvia crash bug.
Adjusted radio and tv marketing amounts.
Fixed various GUI number issues.
Shuffled around the intro song, replaced game over music.
Starting my final play through, unless any major breaking bugs are apparent then 1.12 is finished.
Final builds are compiling:

Think I'll play a video game or something while my computer is chugging along.
Video player doesn't like windows directory spaces...
20 lines of code changed, another 2 hours of compiling... Smile

If you hop on IRC, you might be able to snag a patch before it's released to the public... (Key word: "Might" not sure how fast I can upload it...)
I totally would but the missus is on the pc now and I don't have IRC LOL.

Won't be able to play it till tomorrow anyway.

As long as it's available for me to snaffle some time in the next 14ish hours I'll be happy =)
(02-28-2014, 11:02 PM)Frankschtaldt Wrote: [ -> ]I totally would but the missus is on the pc now and I don't have IRC LOL.

Won't be able to play it till tomorrow anyway.

As long as it's available for me to snaffle some time in the next 14ish hours I'll be happy =)

Very top, third button from the left is the "Chat" button. That'll work on IRC unless you have a port blocking firewall Wink

It should be out in 14 hours... Assuming pre-release tester's computers don't catch on fire.
(02-28-2014, 11:09 PM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-28-2014, 11:02 PM)Frankschtaldt Wrote: [ -> ]I totally would but the missus is on the pc now and I don't have IRC LOL.

Won't be able to play it till tomorrow anyway.

As long as it's available for me to snaffle some time in the next 14ish hours I'll be happy =)

Very top, third button from the left is the "Chat" button. That'll work on IRC unless you have a port blocking firewall Wink

It should be out in 14 hours... Assuming pre-release tester's computers don't catch on fire.
Looking forward to it Smile

Ive also linked the forum IRC in my signature as well. It just works in your browser, so there is no program required.
There have been some pretty good discussion on there with other forum users and its a lot easier to talk through small issues there, so id recommend it Smile
Should be home in an hour or two. Will this be up on the website or will someone be in IRC to share it with me? =)
(03-01-2014, 07:32 AM)Frankschtaldt Wrote: [ -> ]Should be home in an hour or two. Will this be up on the website or will someone be in IRC to share it with me? =)
Sarchez and me are still sitting on IRC.
Im not sure if Eric wants the link posted on the forums here, but he handed it out on IRC, so i assume its still all-right to share it there.

By the time you get back, Eric may be back and have already uploaded the new version to the normal areas.
When he left for sleep im pretty sure he said he wasnt far of a release through the normal channels.
Coolios! If it's not on the website by the time I get home I'll jump on IRC =)
A couple of computers caught on fire, one house exploded, and the video tutorials are not working...
So we have to post-pone the 1.12 release until I can figure out why the video tutorials are not working on some people's computers...
Lol, did computers actually catch on fire?
No no, that was a joke! The videos were not working due to environmental variables. Smile

I have really bad upload speeds otherwise the game would of been out that Saturday instead of delayed a day (The time it takes to upload all the files...)
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