I have a game where I have a factory in Australia with it's distribution limited to East coast only. In the last turn I just had a huge increase in sales of my sedan, so much so that Europe and America drew stock from my Sydney factory.
I noticed it because on a turn where I should have made a $1M profit, I made a $200k loss instead. Then when looking at my factories I noticed my Aus factory was out of stock of sedans which it had close to a full years stock the turn before.
Going through my cost of transport per car I found freight of $4000+ to cities right next to my biggest factories.
I think this might be the second time this has happened this game though I'm not sure.
Save attached.
Your Stuart Sedan is set to ship 40009km, Your Stuart Coupe is set to ship 2521km.
Shipping is per model per factory. Not just per factory.
I did notice however that in the mega menu it sets the same shipping distance to all vehicles of the same type. So there is a bug. Just not the same one you're seeing

(04-02-2014, 08:53 AM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]Your Stuart Sedan is set to ship 40009km, Your Stuart Coupe is set to ship 2521km.
Shipping is per model per factory. Not just per factory.
I did notice however that in the mega menu it sets the same shipping distance to all vehicles of the same type. So there is a bug. Just not the same one you're seeing 
Interesting. In that case there may be a different bug as well.
I set all ranges on the map rather than in the mega menu. With the other two factories it set the range for both vehicles with one range setting. Obviously not with the Sydney factory.
Okay, so this is definitely a bug but not what either of us thought it was.
Basically, the range limit works, when it applies, but it doesn't always apply.
I spent a bit of time on this and I found that when adjusting the range on a model it would not take in all but one of my factories no matter how many times I applied it. However, if I applied a range in the right factory (a different one for each model) it would instantly apply that range to that vehicle in every factory. I think the same thing is happening in the world map as well.
Does that make sense?
I do believe I have fixed this issue, as such I'm marking it for testing in 1.14.
So far this seems to work better in 1.14.
However, if you stop production of a vehicle at a factory the game automatically sets your range to global and you can't turn it down. The game then starts supplying any stock you had at that factory globally. Which is very very bad.