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Full Version: [FIXED]Red button for delete?
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When getting a body set up for r+d with the engine, trans, and chassis and all that, when I'm finished with the body I keep hitting delete (I think it's delete) and losing the body and having to do it all over again. Is there any way to like, make it a red button or have a "are you sure" option for it? I don't think this was asked before, but now, as usual lately, I'm heavily medicated which may explain my mis-clicking of buttons. (Back fusion surgery late February, in early part of recovery yet).

Hopefully this fits the rules for suggestions, if not feel free to slap me around with a large piece of steak. Mmmm, steak.
I too am a fan of steak!!!

The "are you sure button" has been requested before and I believe Eric has said it will be included in eventually. There has also been some discussion about moving the location of some of the buttons to group them a bit more logically.

The big red button hasn't been suggested as far as I know and I think the idea has some merit! Take it one step further and have all "OK" "Apply" and whatnot buttons changed to green and all "Delete" "Cancel" etc buttons red. Would help them stand out just that little bit more.
Good suggestion.
There have been a few "confirmation before x" suggestions (ive got 4 listed in the suggestion link megathread), but no one has pointed out the specific one you did in this thread, so thanks for spotting it Smile.
Cancellation confirmations and build confirmation windows are now included in RnD as of 1.18! Marking Thread as Fixed