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Full Version: Share price suggestions
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I was playing a game today where i used an IPO right at the start.

Ive seen for quite a while that the share price tends to drop and raise dramatically depending on your monthly activity.
While this is fine, i think it might be a more accurate representation if the share price was tied to your quarterly reports instead.
I dont know how much information your average shareholder gets, but from what ive seen, quarterly is much more plausible than monthly.

Just looking at the share price, i think it might be a bit too closely tied to the amount of cash you have.
I know its important not to make it rise too much as then it tends to be easily exploited in the early game, but im not sure how it works now is great either.

For example, im in 1908 and perhaps for the last 2-3 years, my share price has reflected within 100k the amount of cash in my account.
According to my save i have 10mil in assets, which i assume includes 3 factories and several designs.
The company has been moderately successful but certainly profitable, as a decent look at its yearly chats shows.
Ive uploaded a save from it in this bug report here, if you want to inspect it closely