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Hello, I finally got the early access game and I love it, but I have a question. And the question is - what the hell?
So I paid for the game, and was enjoying the time up until the moment I tried the short game from the 1980's. Around mid 80's one make popped up named LEO, and ok, I get it, it's not an original name, but back when update 1.10 was out I tried the demo and created a company called Leo in Detroit, and did a decent job at it, after which completely forgot about the game. And now it turns out you somehow managed to create exact duplicate of my company. Is that a coincidence or did you guys collect info from the people who played the demos?

LEO stands for Low Earth Orbit
I came up with the idea due to GEO having earth in its 'O'

But no, I gathered no data from any of players at anytime, other than what was uploaded to the forums. Anyhoo, you can see by the starting dates and locations etc, that it's supposed to be GEO Wink

You could go and edit the AI files, change the name of company if you wish. It'll probably change back on the next update however.
They're in SteamApps/GearCity/Media/Scripts/AI_Start.xml Smile

(In the future most people will probably end up modding the AI names and logos. I figure most people will use them. So until that time, Sorry!)
It's not really a problem that a company with the same name as mine popped up as competition, and I realized that I probably sounded more pissed off than I actually was.
Anyway, good job on the game. It's very challenging, which is a good thing.