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I've got a couple of questions, don't know if they belong here, or in the bugs section?

-Would it be possible to calculate the price of a modicication of a vehicle according to the changes you made to the original vehicle? Like rebranding a car to a marque you just aquired, costs the same and takes the same time, like designing the original car. Also replacing a engine or a transmission costs like designing the whole original car, and you do changes, but not that much?

-Would it be possible to have the same modification possibilities for engines, gearboxes and chassis like there are for cars? Like the change trim option, so you can make changes without having to start again? So when you design an engine, you could take that engine and get a more powerful or more economic version out of it, without having to start from scratch? Or building a soft and a hard version of the same chassis?

thanks already
1) The vehicle modification system is about to be redesigned.

2) Currently this is what the clone button is for in the summary button. I'm not sure if I'm going to add a trim like change to the components. However as I said for question #1, that entire system is set to be rewritten soon.