03-22-2015, 09:34 AM
Hey Eric
I have now played 100 glorious hours of this game. Thankyou for the awesome challenging tycoon game that this is.
I have been only playing 1980 onwards so far
I have a few things for you
1. Berlin in 1980 the income of the city is lower than the rest of germany, and being the capital city i assume it would be the same or a little bit more. Unless it was munich that was the captial in 1980 my history isnt entirely up to scratch.
2. what is the characteristics that make a great hatchback
this is what i have so far from just researching other companies hatchbacks
- good durability, ok safety, good luxury, ok cargo space.
the computer always has 100 durability and luxury, but it takes like 10 years to catch up to their standards and put it in an affordable car that matches their prices.
i know this is going to be easier to see in 1.8 apparently there is a file somewhere that says the values - would be interesting to look at -where is that?
3. when adding new branches, you have to go through this procedure to set them up.
it would be nice for an apply to all button like there is now, but rather than selecting each one individually have a button to say all copy everything about my main branch from prices to marketing.
4. what is the quickest way to increase skill in making cars
my strategy goes like this
- put some money in research dev like 1/3 amount then later put it up to full
- release a low value car nearly every year
- in between i make a car that has lots of complexity and design ie an expensive one with everything high that i dont intend to sell but i think it helps to increase my skills.
- then after this expensive one my cheap one has similar qualities at 1/3 the cost
- sometimes i do racing but the racing part really doesnt seem to translate very well in terms of what it is doing for me other than wasting my money
5. racing menu - omg there is like 100 races i need to scroll through every time
this needs a couple of things
- the races i am entered in - i want a menu so i can quickly see them without going through a massive list
- a selection menu for certain cars, ie i have a compact car- i want to quickly see which competitons use the compact car rather than go through every race type to find out
6. can the car maker have an auto fill option to auto put wheels mirrors lights and everything else on, like for example whatever the latest tires mirrors lights are they are placed automatically on the car. it does my head in doing every time i create a car.
7. i think there needs to be some work around the stocks
- if i decide to sell my shares in my company for money, the computer should be more aggressive in buying them so it punishes me for selling them and makes it a risk reward.
- my stock value should consider my stock portfolio to, its silly to have a company value of 100mill because my company is 200mill in debt and not making much profit - BUT i have 10billion in stock value - makes the stocks very abusable.
8. i think its too easy to make a ton of money to begin with literally just ploughing all my profit into stocks at the beginning of the game. because these 1billion worth companies at the beginning are going to be several billion in 10 years and they go from 1 bill to 5-10 very quickly.
this makes sense i guess if i start in 1900 when new companies are being formed. But in 1980 someone like ford who has been around years should be already worth 20 billion and i can put my money with ford and maybe earn a couple percent regulary because of steady growth. Or i could risk it a bit with a smaller company and make 5-10%
right now i just stick my money in someone like ANC and i get 5-10% nearly every turn for like 10 years and my originaly 200mill is now 10 bill
9. when i start in 1980 and there is no cars being sold on the market even though the car industry has been going for 80 years is annoying. I should be entering a world market full of established companies that i have to beat, not all start our companies in 1980 when i start mine.
10. your awesome, i saw your story in another post, how you have spent your 20's doing this. I thank you so much its the game i have been looking for, for so long - one that actually has acurate economics.
here is a little tip i learned from rich people - LEVERAGE
you now have some money from the sales, find some good people to take some work off your hands, so you can live life a tiny bit - god dude you deserve it. Have some cake
sorry forgot these couple
11. its annoying to have to go to the garage to change r&d levels, and also to stop production of cars when i want to finish production. it feels like an extra menu and 5 second wait when i should be able to do it on the options menu with everything on it.
12. on the end production of vehicles the order needs to be better probably by year made, because i have accidently ended production of 1985 model instead of 1983. also on the engine, chassis, gearbox end production should be labelled of which one are being used and probably dated so i know which one to end production with.
I have now played 100 glorious hours of this game. Thankyou for the awesome challenging tycoon game that this is.
I have been only playing 1980 onwards so far
I have a few things for you
1. Berlin in 1980 the income of the city is lower than the rest of germany, and being the capital city i assume it would be the same or a little bit more. Unless it was munich that was the captial in 1980 my history isnt entirely up to scratch.
2. what is the characteristics that make a great hatchback
this is what i have so far from just researching other companies hatchbacks
- good durability, ok safety, good luxury, ok cargo space.
the computer always has 100 durability and luxury, but it takes like 10 years to catch up to their standards and put it in an affordable car that matches their prices.
i know this is going to be easier to see in 1.8 apparently there is a file somewhere that says the values - would be interesting to look at -where is that?
3. when adding new branches, you have to go through this procedure to set them up.
it would be nice for an apply to all button like there is now, but rather than selecting each one individually have a button to say all copy everything about my main branch from prices to marketing.
4. what is the quickest way to increase skill in making cars
my strategy goes like this
- put some money in research dev like 1/3 amount then later put it up to full
- release a low value car nearly every year
- in between i make a car that has lots of complexity and design ie an expensive one with everything high that i dont intend to sell but i think it helps to increase my skills.
- then after this expensive one my cheap one has similar qualities at 1/3 the cost
- sometimes i do racing but the racing part really doesnt seem to translate very well in terms of what it is doing for me other than wasting my money
5. racing menu - omg there is like 100 races i need to scroll through every time
this needs a couple of things
- the races i am entered in - i want a menu so i can quickly see them without going through a massive list
- a selection menu for certain cars, ie i have a compact car- i want to quickly see which competitons use the compact car rather than go through every race type to find out
6. can the car maker have an auto fill option to auto put wheels mirrors lights and everything else on, like for example whatever the latest tires mirrors lights are they are placed automatically on the car. it does my head in doing every time i create a car.
7. i think there needs to be some work around the stocks
- if i decide to sell my shares in my company for money, the computer should be more aggressive in buying them so it punishes me for selling them and makes it a risk reward.
- my stock value should consider my stock portfolio to, its silly to have a company value of 100mill because my company is 200mill in debt and not making much profit - BUT i have 10billion in stock value - makes the stocks very abusable.
8. i think its too easy to make a ton of money to begin with literally just ploughing all my profit into stocks at the beginning of the game. because these 1billion worth companies at the beginning are going to be several billion in 10 years and they go from 1 bill to 5-10 very quickly.
this makes sense i guess if i start in 1900 when new companies are being formed. But in 1980 someone like ford who has been around years should be already worth 20 billion and i can put my money with ford and maybe earn a couple percent regulary because of steady growth. Or i could risk it a bit with a smaller company and make 5-10%
right now i just stick my money in someone like ANC and i get 5-10% nearly every turn for like 10 years and my originaly 200mill is now 10 bill
9. when i start in 1980 and there is no cars being sold on the market even though the car industry has been going for 80 years is annoying. I should be entering a world market full of established companies that i have to beat, not all start our companies in 1980 when i start mine.
10. your awesome, i saw your story in another post, how you have spent your 20's doing this. I thank you so much its the game i have been looking for, for so long - one that actually has acurate economics.
here is a little tip i learned from rich people - LEVERAGE
you now have some money from the sales, find some good people to take some work off your hands, so you can live life a tiny bit - god dude you deserve it. Have some cake

sorry forgot these couple
11. its annoying to have to go to the garage to change r&d levels, and also to stop production of cars when i want to finish production. it feels like an extra menu and 5 second wait when i should be able to do it on the options menu with everything on it.
12. on the end production of vehicles the order needs to be better probably by year made, because i have accidently ended production of 1985 model instead of 1983. also on the engine, chassis, gearbox end production should be labelled of which one are being used and probably dated so i know which one to end production with.