Hi I'm using 1.8.
I made a FF chassis, transverse engine and a non transverse gearbox. Sometimes I forget to tick the transverse box.
After I build the car, I can use all these components, successfully build and sell the vehicles. Which should be impossible.
While a standard gearbox could bolt to a transverse engine it would in no way be able to operate.
The reverse would work though, a non transverse engine, transverse gearbox and an FF chassis, would work.
I could do the same in successive revisions.
I assume you mean 1.18 and not 1.08?
A long while ago I disabled transverse for gearboxes. As people were designing transverse engines but not transverse gearboxes then raging because they would not work together. This resulted in a bunch of negative reviews/press.
As it stands now, transversing the engine simply switched width and length. As for actual gearboxes I have removed the need for transversed designs for the reasons stated above. The transaxle option still exists but is not mandatory.
That being said. If memory serves me, and it's been a while since i've done any tinkering with FF trannies. But in some cases (specially older ones, and racing ones) the transaxle can be a bolt on component to the transmission. Which means you can use normal gearbox turned sideways as long as you have room to attach the output shaft to the transaxle. You don't have to integrate the transaxle into the gearbox as most modern transmissions do. Of course realistically, you would need a short gearbox or a short engine or a wide vehicle. But it can be done, and has been done.

Here is an example of a bolt on transaxle, of course this is off a Cord which is a longitudal mounted FF vehicle. But as you can see, you can develop a bolt on transaxle to any type of gearbox. To make this transverses you'd simply need roughly 3 additional gears in the bolt on transaxle to make it transfer power in a 90 degree angle.
That being said, I am open to any ideas on how to force users to make transaxled transversed FF designs. But it has to be noob friendly.
Thanks for the reply, I used to own a Renault 12 and while it was a front wheel drive, it also used the I4 with a longitudinal mounted gearbox. Which had an integrated diff. So basically similar to the picture you posted.
One way that might be n00b friendly, is to have a window pop up on the side showing gearboxes/engines that are active and have the correct configuration. This way the player gets a very visual clue as to which engines/gearboxes will be compatible with the part they are making.
Speculation: some will assuredly find this intrusive, and it might be a problem for those running smaller resolutions.
(can this be used to show matching chassis/engine sizes as well?)