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Full Version: Worth adding in a model code?
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Just been thinking, pretty much everyone car manufacture uses some sort of alpha and/or numeric code for their car models o top of names and trim names/numbers.
For example Australian manufacturers use two letters (VN, VP, VS are three different models of Commodore for example) BMW use a letter and a number (E36, E46, E90 etc for the 3 series).

Aside from a role-playing thing, could this server any purpose in the game?
Perhaps in some kind of system that lets you carry some of a vehicles good rep from model to model?
The only major purpose I could see is limiting the amount of space model names take up in the list boxes.

There is already a "Base" model in the game, based off your model name, that moves rep between models. Even if you change the name of the vehicle.

So in a way that's already implemented somewhat.
So it'd only serve a purpose in facilitating RP which I guess for me is still a good reason to include it.
Having said that, I imagine it'd be more work than its worth for a non game mechanic thing.
When I get around to playing the game seriously again (probably after 1.19 launches) I'll probably just type in the model codes at the end of their names.
Probably correct, but we'll see.