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It would be nice to include technologies in car like the radio, which for example wasn't included in some cars or air conditioning which wasn't available in some vehicles either. I know this would be really complicated to implement but I wonder if it's included under the "technology" slider within the car designer-
I guess these things are abstracted behind the luxury, technology and comfort sliders.
(07-09-2015, 09:14 AM)GreyParrot Wrote: [ -> ]It would be nice to include technologies in car like the radio, which for example wasn't included in some cars or air conditioning which wasn't available in some vehicles either. I know this would be really complicated to implement but I wonder if it's included under the "technology" slider within the car designer-

As far as I understand it and playing the game, the technology slider in the car design tool includes all gadges inside the car.
It doesn´t specific what but it influences the desired luxury of a car.

I let Eric correct me if I'm wrong!!
Ha! I just recently answered this question on the steam forums, here was my reply:

Quote:These are all abstracted via the sliders for luxury and safety. I personally do not like the idea of having specific items vehicle creation. See these for details: and discussion on the topic:

In a nut shell Tridon and Seaswolf are correct. Luxury and Safety items are abstracted via the sliders. This is because there are too many luxury and safety items that #1) Become obsolete over time. #2) Become common place over time. And #3) Are only "Luxury" features in the eyes of the beholder. As such it's better to abstract it away so you don't have to pick between AC systems with 10oz of Freon and AC systems with 32oz of Freon.... Wink

Quote:As far as I understand it and playing the game, the technology slider in the car design tool includes all gadges inside the car.
Luxury sliders as well. As for example on cheaper cars, blower switches are simple 4 or 5 setting switch that adjust the amount of voltage allowed to pass through the voltage regulator. A more luxurious car would have multiple switches, say one for front and back, controling two blowers for different temps in the vehicle. This is not "Technological" but more luxurious. Where as a more technoloical solution is what modern climate controled cars use, a computerized input where you set the tempture in degrees that you want and the voltage for the blower/ac is automatically regulated via the computer.

Of course you don't see the details of this in the game. Nor do we have the option to pick out these ideas manually. It's in your imagination. For better or worse.
This is very interesting but MAYBE, just an idea... What you think if some tech and lux are available for choose?
It would give us more power/detail to segment our cars.

Similar of what Detroit has.

You can set up in the beginner of the game if you want these details or not.

As I said... An idea to figure out! Lol
(07-10-2015, 10:52 PM)Seaswolf Wrote: [ -> ]This is very interesting but MAYBE, just an idea... What you think if some tech and lux are available for choose?
It would give us more power/detail to segment our cars.

Similar of what Detroit has.

You can set up in the beginner of the game if you want these details or not.

As I said... An idea to figure out! Lol

Read the threads I linked above. I am personally against the idea.
Yep... It is not always easy to please Greeks and Trojans!! Haha