Hey Eric,
i just noticed that i'm getting the same "We can use new technology" message for the last 3 years of my gameplay. I was about to design an new engine with said new technology only to find out it's not there. That made me reload the safe and take a closer look.
Picture (look at the years)
I think what's happening is that research points are being reset to the value they had the year before. For example.
Start of 1911 = 31.4. End of 1911 = 35.4.
Start of 1912 = 31.4. End of 1912 = 35.4.
Start of and so on...
That's i think why i'm getting this message and technology over and over again but still don't have it available at a certain point.
Nightmare game, Base City Map, 300 AI.
Savegame attached.
Thanks for looking

Thanks for the files, interesting bug, because I don't think I've touched any of this code in a while.
Anyway, I'll take a look at it sometime after I finish the contract rewrite, and hopefully get it fixed for v1.22.1.
I experienced about the same, had access to 12 cylinders and then lost it again.
But I thought it had to do with the new code that merges skill points when you take over other company's (which I did).
"-Design skill points now increase or decrease if you buy/merge/or spin off a company."
Maybe OP has taken over or merged with other company's in that time frame that makes it look like his skill points do not go up?
I haven't had the chance to look, but that might be it. It'll be in the save game.
That might be it. I took over a bankrupt company at the end of 1911 and another two companies in 1913.
If that's the case - sorry for bothering you
Why tho?
*totally made up conversations and situations within the car company following*
Bob is chirpin' it's way along to the research facility, singing: "I'm about to design a fresh and good looking 12 cylinder with DOHC".
Then he got stopped by Jim, saying: "Bob, what the hell are you doing here?"
Bob: "Ehm... 12 cylinder, DOHC - fresh, good looking?"
Jim: "You idiot Bob, we just took over Beta Aroma, you can't do that now!"
Bob: "But the message stating i can is only 1 month old?!"
Jim: "No Bob, just no!!!"
What happenend to the plans for 12 cylinders and DOHC?
Gosh these folks from Beta Aroma joined and drained our IQ.
They... what? How? They just vanished or what?
*totally made up conversations and situations within the car company ending*
That Sir, is weird

I agree that the now you see it, then you don't thing is a bit weird. It will cause some headcratching by a few players.
But I do like that there now is a price to be paid if you aggressively go out and take over ones competition.
It was a very OP strategy until the cost of buying them out was raised a few revisions back, and now that it hurts your research as well it's in check.
Not sure how to solve it, but maybe it's better to get an imaginary -value to the skill points. but not to loose them. Then you would have to research enough skill points to zero out the - skill points before you can start gaining normal skill points again. This will slow you down but avoid the now you see it then you don't thing.
Loosing research points isn't a bad thing actually.
But not beeing able to use technologies you already "unlocked" is.
Maybe we can bring this together somehow... Like if you're loosing 5 research points and the necessary points for unlocked technologies are reduced about the same amount? Something like that?
We think the same, we just see different solutions. Just made a little mockup to show what I ment.
PP (Penalty Points) : As long as this value is other than 0 all the points you earn goes to fill this box, once you reach 0 you start to accumulate normal points.
Edit: I am sure this first you see it then you don't just happened because of the Law of unintended consequences. Eric surely will come up with a viable fix.
I'll probably do what cost the least amount to do time wise. We're getting toward the end (well I'm running out of money again anyway). So I have to get full release out fairly soon.
So I'll probably put a toggle in the components part of the DB for the stuff you (the player) already unlocked. Easy to do, just a bunch of copy and paste code. The only two problems I can think of, 1) not fair to the AI, but that's really no big deal, and 2) If I ever multiplayer the game, I'll have to think of/implement something else.
I should have this issue resolved, it'll be in the next patch. May need some testing though.