03-29-2013, 07:51 PM
So... I never started a forum before 
I was thinking (while I was playing Gear City, PcFantacanestro and AirwaySim) how to give some ideas and "stakes", about what and what not to include to this game:
- I start saying that Gear City is simply awesome, also in BETA, and I expect the same from this future game
- in the past there been a couple of decent airline simulator, but I think that all are now "outdated" (maybe only "Airpro 7" and "Airline 7", why always 7???, are the the only that are actually "updated", but I still have to try them http://www.airpro-game.com, http://www.airlinesimulation.com) so...
- watch especially for Web airline simulation!!!
- here there is an interesting post about some (I think, the major ones) simulation to "test" (http://www.airline-empires.com/index.php...you-tryed/)
- http://www.airwaysim.com, http://www.airline-empires.com, http://www.airlinemogul.com: these three seems to be the best actually on the market...
- DO NOT look for "Airline Sim" and "Cyber Airlines", I don't give you the specific link, because my McAfee (always be praised) saved me from an attack from these sites
General game idea:
- please do NOT create a game like "Airlines Tycoon 1 & 2": is simply crap! All these "cartoons" styles game are often dull and boring, and I (we) need a serious cool simulation
- start in 1946 (1950), end in a possible, near future (not cyberpunk style, I like science fiction, but not in an air simulation game
- create various, challenging scenarios...
- ... and a GREAT sandbox mode (this is very, very important)
Specific suggestions:
- try (I know, is difficult) a game that can support little, small, medium, large and huge companies... What it means? It can be awesome, if you can open a very small company, and then freely decide (if you don't have fixed goals) into a larger one... and small and medium aircraft have their large and "true" world...
- have a huge database! (airplanes, but also airports, and possible routes...)
- it'a a large work to do, but I think you have to consider how the "conditions" affects routes and market (summer-winter, ex-colonies, countries that are usually "resorts" for other countries, wars, international crises...)
- ...so, try to make a "real" and "living" world! With events and other
- This, and this are good ideas...
- DO NOT have the user to fly aircraft manually!
Is really annoying and impossible to do after ten single aircraft...
Last suggestion: when the game is ready, hype it, because I realized, in my little research, that there are three-four competitors for web games, but only TWO (serious one, I will surely buy them, but... God, they seems like a program for the creation of the family budget, from what they are graphically dull; and "Airline 7" cost 50, I MEAN, 50 €€€!) competitor for normal game... and there is request and a market
And it's really all, for now
I will try (I think) "Airline Empires", "Airpro 7" and "Airline 7", and with already "AirwaySim", I will have better ideas in the future

I was thinking (while I was playing Gear City, PcFantacanestro and AirwaySim) how to give some ideas and "stakes", about what and what not to include to this game:
- I start saying that Gear City is simply awesome, also in BETA, and I expect the same from this future game

- in the past there been a couple of decent airline simulator, but I think that all are now "outdated" (maybe only "Airpro 7" and "Airline 7", why always 7???, are the the only that are actually "updated", but I still have to try them http://www.airpro-game.com, http://www.airlinesimulation.com) so...
- watch especially for Web airline simulation!!!
- here there is an interesting post about some (I think, the major ones) simulation to "test" (http://www.airline-empires.com/index.php...you-tryed/)
- http://www.airwaysim.com, http://www.airline-empires.com, http://www.airlinemogul.com: these three seems to be the best actually on the market...
- DO NOT look for "Airline Sim" and "Cyber Airlines", I don't give you the specific link, because my McAfee (always be praised) saved me from an attack from these sites

General game idea:
- please do NOT create a game like "Airlines Tycoon 1 & 2": is simply crap! All these "cartoons" styles game are often dull and boring, and I (we) need a serious cool simulation
- start in 1946 (1950), end in a possible, near future (not cyberpunk style, I like science fiction, but not in an air simulation game

- create various, challenging scenarios...
- ... and a GREAT sandbox mode (this is very, very important)
Specific suggestions:
- try (I know, is difficult) a game that can support little, small, medium, large and huge companies... What it means? It can be awesome, if you can open a very small company, and then freely decide (if you don't have fixed goals) into a larger one... and small and medium aircraft have their large and "true" world...
- have a huge database! (airplanes, but also airports, and possible routes...)
- it'a a large work to do, but I think you have to consider how the "conditions" affects routes and market (summer-winter, ex-colonies, countries that are usually "resorts" for other countries, wars, international crises...)
- ...so, try to make a "real" and "living" world! With events and other

- This, and this are good ideas...
- DO NOT have the user to fly aircraft manually!

Last suggestion: when the game is ready, hype it, because I realized, in my little research, that there are three-four competitors for web games, but only TWO (serious one, I will surely buy them, but... God, they seems like a program for the creation of the family budget, from what they are graphically dull; and "Airline 7" cost 50, I MEAN, 50 €€€!) competitor for normal game... and there is request and a market

And it's really all, for now

I will try (I think) "Airline Empires", "Airpro 7" and "Airline 7", and with already "AirwaySim", I will have better ideas in the future