When taking over AI companies some parts (I believe the AI company have had outsorced) can not be discontinued. Because they do not show up in modify parts list, but the do show up in the list parts list. Over time when you take over many AI companies the parts list gets clogged up whith parts that can not be deleted. Look at the Mk E1 engines in the picture.
Is this the same save game that you played with the broken outsourcing system? I will check it out, but I imagine it is from the save game being corrupted. Delete should happen almost automatically now irregardless of AI use. The only thing that would prevent it is active player user.
Perhaps start a new game, and let me know if the issue pops up there.
It has happened over different save games over the last few revisions since you started to rewrite contracting/outsorcing systems. This particular one is from the save I uploaded.
I play a bit on and off (real life sets limits) and I normally try to reproduce the error before reporting it, sometimes things gets fixed before get around to report them
I play on both my Laptop and my main rig, depentant on wether I am out traveling, work or at home. It's been a while since I Had a clean fresh install on Either of them. I have just cleaned my laptop and will do the same on my main rig when I get home. It might be corruption on both installs so I will try reproducing the reported errors on a fresh game on my laptop again.
Haha, no worries. I just get grumpy when there is dozens of people playing for a month but little to no bug reports. Then all of sudden out of no where I get 75+ reports in 4 days.

Make matters worse, it's normally when I schedule time for little bugs, no one submits them!
Anyway, It's all good, I got most of what you reported scheduled for SP2; So it'll be fixed in the next week and a half.
If you're still around Shepherd, I got a chance to look at the save game (wish I had done it sooner, but so busy lately). If I click "Mk E1" the "Used In" list in View Parts shows 4 different cars it's being used in. Double check these active cars and they are in fact using the engine.
In the picture you uploaded, you had A-B10S048-129-B20S02 selected. This one is able to be discontinued.
What I did notice is that if you hit "View Parts" from the modification window. The data in the bottom would be correct, but the "Used In" list would not be correct. I will work on this ticket now, and it should be fixed for SP2.
Forget all that, I see the real issue. If you have a rebadged part, be it from licensing, outsourcing, whatever, we have removed it from the modification list. This is so the player can't mod it into a better part. Sadly that means you also can't end production of it because it's not on the list. Is this the issue you are having?
If this was the cause of the problem, It has been fixed and will be in the SP2 update Friday.
(01-02-2018, 05:10 PM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]Forget all that, I see the real issue. If you have a rebadged part, be it from licensing, outsourcing, whatever, we have removed it from the modification list. This is so the player can't mod it into a better part. Sadly that means you also can't end production of it because it's not on the list. Is this the issue you are having?
Yes the issue was that those parts could not be removed, because there was no way to end the production. Sorry for the late reply, real life got in the way again
(01-02-2018, 07:59 PM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]If this was the cause of the problem, It has been fixed and will be in the SP2 update Friday.

No worries, I know how pesky those real lives are!
The fix worked then yes?
(01-06-2018, 08:30 AM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]No worries, I know how pesky those real lives are!
The fix worked then yes?
It looks like it, I licenced a few parts and those look fine. I had to start a new game so have not taken over any competitors yet. The new tweaks give less starting money even on easy.