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Full Version: Cargo Volume Modification
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Hi, Eric
After some new updates a new calculation for spec_cargo and cargo rating was implemented.
I have started a game long time ago, so I don't want to start a new party.
I would like to modify these parameters. How can I do this?
Which files should i modify?
Or, at least, could i restore the parameters for previous version?
Depending on how long ago you're talking about. The only recent changes to the cargo ratings were from changing some of the dimensions calculations for the vehicle bodies. You could modify these by increasing the vehicle type's cargo values in the Components.xml file. It is recommended to use the mod tools to do this and to make a mod file, otherwise you will lose your changes after any update.

The components editors is fairly documented, but the mod file tool is not. You can find the later here:

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions. I'll be happy to answer them, but probably not tonight. About time for me to go to bed. Smile
(03-02-2018, 03:06 AM)Eric.B Wrote: [ -> ]Depending on how long ago you're talking about. The only recent changes to the cargo ratings were from changing some of the dimensions calculations for the vehicle bodies. You could modify these by increasing the vehicle type's cargo values in the Components.xml file. It is recommended to use the mod tools to do this and to make a mod file, otherwise you will lose your changes after any update.

The components editors is fairly documented, but the mod file tool is not. You can find the later here:

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions. I'll be happy to answer them, but probably not tonight. About time for me to go to bed. Smile

Great thanks!
Very useful information! I rather appreciate so quick answer, especially at night time in US ))  Smile  
I have modified some cargo values and it works. I did this in savegame file, if i do this in Components.xml it doesn't work, I wonder why. How could I do this with Mod tool - although I changed the value it doesn't apply to the game
Also I've got a question - what was the original cargo values before last update?
Is it possible to get this values somehow?
Glad you got it working.

The components.xml file changes require you to start a new save game. The XML data is then transferred into the save file.