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Full Version: Autobuild shipment problem
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First of all thank you for this management game that is out of the ordinary and full of potential. biggrin
It's been a few days since I bought this game and I have already more than 80 hours of play But frankly I have a problem that is spoiling my pleasures is the autobuid mode with delivery in boat with non-modifiable world distance. It ruins my margins on my vehicles and falls on my sales.
I saw your solution to create a sub brand for each continent but in addition to wasting time and money to create as many models for each continent ca also leads the global sales stats and thus removes the challenge gambling. confused
I think it would take you very little time to set up a hotfix patch creating a check button for each district to force sales on a single continent and it would allow many players to wait a little longer for a real patch that you would have more time to create that would solve this problem.
So gentlemen the devellopeur please put us a hotpatch very quickly to block the sales of a district on a selected continent.
I would be satisfied with a small unofficial downloadable on steam.

Tout d'abord merci pour ce jeu de gestion  qui sort de l'ordinaire et plein de potentiel.
Cela fait à peine quelques jours que j'ai acheté ce jeu et j'ai deja plus de 80 heures de jeu. Mais franchement j'ai un probleme qui est en train de me gacher mon plaisirs c'est le mode autobuid avec livraison en bateau  avec distance mondiale non modifiable. Ca ruine mes marges sur mes véhicules et plombe mes ventes. J'ai vue votre solution de créer une sous marque pour chaque continent mais en plus du fait de perdre du temps et de l'argent à creer autant de modele pour chaques continent ca plombe aussi les stats mondiale de vente et ca enleve donc du challenge au jeu.
Je pense que ca ne vous prendrais que tres peu de temps pour mettre en place un hotfix patch creant un bouton à cocher pour chaque district pour forcer les ventes sur un unique continent et ca permettrais à de nombreux joueurs de patienter un peu plus de temps pour un vrai patch que vous aurais plus de temps pour creer qui reglerais ce probleme.
Donc messieurs les devellopeur s'il vous plait mettais nous un petit hotpatch tres vite pour bloquer les ventes d'un district sur un continent selectionné.
Je me satisferais d'un petit non officiel telechargeable sur steam.
There will be no hot patch for this issue. Instead, if you find it too much of a problem, switch to smaller maps such as the European map or Territory maps. The later you should be able to manage production on manually. The former is small enough that shipping costs won't kill you.

A continental restriction for autoproduction is is slated for v1.23.2 as per the roadmap: . It will require several days to fully implement and it will break your save games. That being said, hot fixes are for crashes and game play breaking bugs only. I do not do hot fixes for features. Your margins are not gameplay breaking. Smile

If you are on Default build, you will receive the update in v1.24 in several months. If you are on Testing Build you can expect it in 1-2 months.