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Full Version: Complete-[$300] #61 | Nation Variables
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Price: $300

Description: In Classic GearCity, the game has no concept of a country other than the text name of the nation. This bounty changes by giving each nation an ID, a translatable name, and a database table that can store additional variables funded in future bounties.

This bounty sets the framework for national-level bounties. By having nations as entities in the game, we can setup nation-specific regulations, relations, popularities, and pricing. Giving us a finer grain of control over the game world than regions, but without having to go as low as the city level.

Please note, this bounty ONLY includes creating national ID in the game and giving nations a translatable name. Any other national data features are separate bounties. 

We'll also need to set up more tools for the mod tools.

Requirements:  None

Required By: #62, #68, #73, #87#91, #116, #118, #121, #192, #215

Concerns: The setup work for national variables is tedious but not too difficult. Making additional mod tools is probably the more cumbersome task in all of it.

Eric's Opinion: We need this bounty to implement many other bounties such as safety restrictions. For example, safety regulations are regional if this bounty isn't funded. Mexico and United States are in different worlds with vehicle safety regulations. But without this ticket, they'll both have the same regulatory requirements.

This bounty also is very important for the diplomatic relations bounty.

This bounty is complete!

Since this is a major structural change to the game's internals, I request players pay special attention to some things revolving around cities' countries, contracts, war, and if any numbers appear where there should be countries. Please report any bugs or issues you run across.

Data entry for this bounty is ongoing. The base city map is complete, but I will do the remaining maps here and there before I complete the milestone. (I believe it's best to put the bulk of my programming toward programming, and the time I can't program to do data entry.)

Finally, I decided to move all Modtool changes to the end of the final milestone for an FBS DLC. The reason is that each milestone update will likely result in save game and mod breakages. There isn't a point for modders to mod an FBS DLC until the DLC is complete. So I will put all Modtool changes to a single ticket which I will complete right before I finalize a DLC and move to a second FBS DLC.