03-21-2022, 03:52 PM
Price: $1000
Description: This bounty adds additional add-on selectable sub-component to the chassis and gearbox designers. Some examples of these sub-components include 4-wheel steering, Traction Control, Torque Vectoring, Locking Diffs, Adjustable Ride Heights, Power Steering (Electrohydraulic, EPS, Hydraulic etc).
Requirements: None
Required By: None
Concerns: It might be better to include some of these items in the Vehicle Options listing bounty (#76). That bounty likely obsoletes most of these items. Better to fund it instead.
I wanted to avoid players going through lists of items and selecting them with checkboxes. That's what this bounty gives you.
View Vehicle Details will become crowded with more sub-component types. We will omit this information from the current view details windows. Ideally, we fund the removal of 1-100 ratings and get static vehicle information reports.
Eric's Opinion: When designing GearCity, I tried to limit the number of items the player had to choose. Of course, the fanbase I attracted wants as many options to choose from.
Static vehicle information reports might become a requirement for this bounty after I loop through all the tickets.
The Vehicle Options list (#76) would obsolete most of these options, so I think it wiser to fund that bounty, and we can move a lot of these "tack on" systems to the vehicle designer in a single list.
Description: This bounty adds additional add-on selectable sub-component to the chassis and gearbox designers. Some examples of these sub-components include 4-wheel steering, Traction Control, Torque Vectoring, Locking Diffs, Adjustable Ride Heights, Power Steering (Electrohydraulic, EPS, Hydraulic etc).
Requirements: None
Required By: None
Concerns: It might be better to include some of these items in the Vehicle Options listing bounty (#76). That bounty likely obsoletes most of these items. Better to fund it instead.
I wanted to avoid players going through lists of items and selecting them with checkboxes. That's what this bounty gives you.
View Vehicle Details will become crowded with more sub-component types. We will omit this information from the current view details windows. Ideally, we fund the removal of 1-100 ratings and get static vehicle information reports.
Eric's Opinion: When designing GearCity, I tried to limit the number of items the player had to choose. Of course, the fanbase I attracted wants as many options to choose from.
Static vehicle information reports might become a requirement for this bounty after I loop through all the tickets.
The Vehicle Options list (#76) would obsolete most of these options, so I think it wiser to fund that bounty, and we can move a lot of these "tack on" systems to the vehicle designer in a single list.