Visual Entertainment and Technologies Forum

Full Version: [$500] #93 | Buyer Rating Caching | Requires: #57
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Price: $500

Description: The game devotes a lot of processing buyer ratings for each vehicle, in each city, each turn. And then the game compares those calculations against other vehicles of the same type, in the same city, every turn.

With this bounty, we'll start caching the buyer rating information. We will store the results of the buyer rating with the vehicle distribution tables. Every time the city information updates, a new model goes for sale, or there is a price change, we'll recalculate the buyer ratings.

The goal of this bounty is to decrease turn time processing by 10-20%.

Requirements: #57

Required By: #14, #94, #122, #131

Concerns: We might not get 10-20% gains with this bounty. We'll also be losing a little bit of nuance in the buyer rating calculations.

Players who constantly tweak things might render this feature worse for turn-times by constantly marking everything dirty internally.

Eric's Opinion: This bounty is one of our best shots at speeding up turn times. Processing buyer ratings takes up roughly 20% of our end turn times. If we can halve that, turn times will process almost 10% faster. I have discounted this item in the hopes it gets funded.

This bounty is complete. We were able to reduce processing time for this section of the code by 75%. There are still a few more gains to be made with the code as is, but I did not do those changes because future bounties are likely to reverse them.

Overall, this dropped turn times by around 6-7% against v2.4.0.2. Which would translate to about 10-15% against the base game.