Visual Entertainment and Technologies Forum

Full Version: [$50] #120 | Increase Dimension Sliders Effect | Requires: #67
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Price: $50

Description: This bounty increases the Engine Length, Width, and Height sliders the larger the engine displacement.

As it is now, these sliders have nearly the same effect regardless of engine displacement. With this bounty, we'll scale these sliders with the size of the engine's displacement.

Requirements: #67

Required By: None

Concerns: I have to make sure the adjustments are not too large. We don't want plays making super big engines real small.

Eric's Opinion: This is a minor logic issue with the game that we can address in a feature bounty. It will require some rebalancing of components sizes in the game.

Links: It doesn't happen unless you contribute!
Bounty complete! I reduced the baseline 10%, and doubled the slider's effect.