Visual Entertainment and Technologies Forum

Full Version: [$600] #137 | Component Info To Reports | Requests: #136
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Price: $600

Description: With rating decline removal in bounty #57 and technical issues worked out with moving vehicles to static reports, we can move component information to static generated HTML reports.

We would generate these reports on component creation.

The reports would contain information found in the RnD "View Components" window and additional information about the design that we can not fit into the "View Components" window because of size constraints. We will be able to replace all "View Components" GUI in the game with the report page.

In addition, we can link the reports page anywhere components are listed, including other reports. Thus allowing you to access complete components information anywhere components are.

Requirements: #136

Required By: #140, #287

Concerns: Even with static rating values, Unit Price and Project Profits on the view components windows change.

Report windows are stuck on n^2 resolutions until we implement OpenGL3 and/or the DirectX 11 bounties.

Eric's Opinion: This bounty will reduce UI complexity and room load times. It also allows us to put complete component information in places where we currently can't.

We'll have most performance technical issues worked out with bounty #136.

The downside is that this bounty will use our reports window, which because of technical constraints is size limited and not as snappy as the game GUI. There are some bounties to fix those issues. 

I have discounted this bounty with the hopes that it gets funded.

Links: It doesn't happen unless you contribute!