Visual Entertainment and Technologies Forum

Full Version: [$750] #334 AI Company Specific Vehicle Model Names
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Price: $750

Description: The game randomly selects a name from the nounslist.txt file. This bounty would allow modders to create specific model names for their AI companies. Modders will also be able to specify the vehicle types the name should be used for. This will require a new file format for the names, likely in XML. We'll also need mod tools to support this. I may also put component naming in this system, but that's not guaranteed. It will depend on how quickly I can complete the core systems.

Requirements: None

Required By: None

Concerns: Without the mod tools, this bounty wouldn't be too much work. With the mod tools, it's a bit more work.

Eric's Opinion: In the right hands, this bounty will add much more fidelity. Without those hands, this bounty won't add anything because I can't use this feature.

Links: It doesn't happen unless you contribute!
Note to self, request thread with additional implementation info: