Visual Entertainment and Technologies Forum

Full Version: [$800] #335 End Game Summary
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Price: $800

Description: When a player ends the game via bankruptcy or retirement phases, the game will display HTML reports that summarize their career. We'll have a main HTML page that will link individual reports. Most of the reports will be existing reports in the game, but we'll also generate a few statistics about your career, such as the number of cars sold, best-selling models, total revenues, etc.

Let me know if you think of any specific data not found in normal reports that should be in this end-of-game report.

Requirements: None

Required By: None

Concerns: I believe the save file is unloaded at the bankruptcy screen. So, this bounty will require architecture changes there. The retirement phase already offers most of these reports, as you can say, "Wait a minute," and then go examine the reports yourself. I'll need to implement something after you officially retire to display the report. Both make a simple bounty into a complex one.

Eric's Opinion: I admit, I find myself nerding out on information like this in other games.

Links: It doesn't happen unless you contribute!