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Full Version: [FIXED] - Engine height fit
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It seems that the engine selector window for the vehicle designer filters out engines that are the same height as the chassis max height. This makes it impossible to use engines that were shown as Fits while designing.
To understand what you're saying. If the Engine is 24" and the max chassis height is 24" it doesn't show them? But if the Engine is 23" and the Max Chassis Height is 24", it does show them, correct?
Yes, that seems to be the pattern.

The save attached here has a (discontinued) engine that was supposed to fit but didn't:

I'm not able to un-discontinue that one but I can make a design in a new save that shows the issue if it helps?
(08-31-2024, 08:16 AM)thexa4 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, that seems to be the pattern.

The save attached here has a (discontinued) engine that was supposed to fit but didn't:

I'm not able to un-discontinue that one but I can make a design in a new save that shows the issue if it helps?

No worries. I will fix the bug making it where you can't resume it, and then resume it to address this one.
Fixed, the changes will be in v2.4.0.1.

Thanks again!