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Full Version: [FIXED] - Licensed chassis has 0 engine height
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After negotiating a licence the chassis I got in my chassis list had a max height of 0 instead of the advertised 457 mm.
It seems when the chassis is copied, the height information is not. This may also be the case for Engines as well. This will warrant a hotfix. Sadly, I took five days off to fix bugs after this update, but got very few reported, so I have already moved on to working on AeroMogul. It will be a few days before I can switch back to working on GC to address these issues. Better late than never I guess.
None of the issues I encountered so far are game breaking for me, having a lot of fun with the new systems. Just wanted to let you know what I encountered.
(08-31-2024, 08:20 AM)thexa4 Wrote: [ -> ]None of the issues I encountered so far are game breaking for me, having a lot of fun with the new systems. Just wanted to let you know what I encountered.

And thank you much for it! I need these bug reports to fix the game. I don't have time to catch all the issues myself. I played for 2 days (approximately 15 hours) and missed all of this stuff. So, thank you again.

I was just letting you know there will be a delay in getting all of this fixed and rolled out into a hot fix. If you run into anything more, please let me know.
I believe I have fixed this issue, and a similar issue with licensing an Engine.

These changes will be in v2.4.0.1.

Thanks again!