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Full Version: [FIXED] - Monthly Research Budget - Component Design Skill stays zero
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I have been investing in electric fuel for a while but it seems to stay at zero:
Try designing an electric engine and see if it moves. I think the optimizations I made may not have factored in research budgets when engines aren't being designed.
This is after designing an electric engine. Component Design Skills are zero for all items in all categories.
Thanks, I will take a look at it this evening.
Savegame contains NULL values in the ComponentSkills table for my company:

sqlite> select budget, skill, DesignSkillsEffect from componentskills where companyid = 0 and budget > 0;
The NULLs are the cause. The question is how did you get them.

I have stuck in a few pieces of code which should prevent the NULLs, but I want to dig in further, and I am going to wait a little while longer to make sure nothing else major pops up. Then I'll put out a hotfix.
I figured it out, and the issue should be resolved. Changes will be in the next update.
Is there a way to avoid it getting set to zero in the current version? Hard to test with designs that don't improve
(01-12-2025, 06:19 PM)thexa4 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a way to avoid it getting set to zero in the current version? Hard to test with designs that don't improve
