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  Too pedantic?
Posted by: Giacomo - 12-05-2013, 05:21 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (1)

It's been weighing heavily on my mind.....

Should I post information about minor mistakes in the game? I'm talking about spelling mistakes, etc. Is that going too far? After all... it's still a beta! Is it more like a pain in the arse, rather than being helpful???

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  How to make a cool 12 million in one turn
Posted by: Giacomo - 12-04-2013, 09:28 AM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (1)


technically not a bug but something that probably needs better balancing within the game.

I decided to buy out a company. I wanted the extra branches and factory. I spent about 2 million to acquire them. I didn't want their brand nor their intellectual property. So on the same turn I sold them off for around 14 million.

I kept the physical assets (branches and factory), and dumped the brand and car designs. The venture made me 12 million in one turn.

I think the value of a company without it's physical assets should be reassessed. It would be great if we could also choose what part of the company we wish to sell off. A factory? Some branches? The badge? Some designs? I would love that, not sure if anyone else would enjoy it as much as I would.

One last note.

On the one turn I tried to sell off my acquired company. The first time it failed. That message about the buyer pulling out at the last minute, came up. So on the same turn I tried again and this time it worked. Maybe if a sale of a company doesn't work the first time, the player should be forced to wait a month and and the value should also drop?

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  I'm back, baby!
Posted by: NexxusDrako - 12-02-2013, 09:07 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (1)

After a long recess from this game (Stupid Avast), I'm back!

Last time I was here, I think it was version 1.03?

I see it's version 1.10 now, can someone give me a refresher please?

P.S: I'm using AVG now, no problems!

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  What is factory retooling?
Posted by: Giacomo - 12-01-2013, 10:19 AM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (3)


What exactly is factory retooling meant to represent? A replacement of worn down machinery? An upgrade of tools? An expansion in factory size?

In my most recent game I've retooled my starting factory. It had five assembly lines. It was operating at 78% capacity. I wasn't concerned about the wear, but I wanted to increase the number of assembly lines with the minimum investment possible. The minimum amount of investment I had to spend to increase the number of lines I had from 5 to 15, turned out to be zero. I spent no money to receive 10 extra lines. The wear on my machinery remained at 78%, but I suddenly had extra capacity for no extra cost. Add to the fact that retooling works instantly and doesn't require any build time, I'm now unsure of what exactly retooling represents.

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  Cash & Banked?
Posted by: Giacomo - 11-27-2013, 02:50 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - No Replies

I've been thinking...

Is there any reason to make a distinction between cash and banked cash? Within the game they're nearly the same. Both forms of funds can be accessed at anytime, but banked has the small advantage of earning an interest. I'm also a little confused by the term 'cash'. Am I meant to think of this as money in the company's vaults? If this is the case, is this realistic?

I could understand if the distinction between cash and banked cash related to liquidity. If the money in the bank were in long term deposits which I couldn't access until they matured, then having a distinction of 'cash' funds would be necessary.

Maybe the distinction should be cash and assets? Cash is always assumed to be in short term bank deposits and assets can include long term deposits (with higher interest rates) and the value of physical properties of the business (distribution centres, factories, etc...) Maybe even tie in owned share values? Not sure.

Anyway, just uncertain why a distinction has been made between 'cash' and 'banked'.

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  What happens to my investments?
Posted by: Giacomo - 11-21-2013, 05:03 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Quick question...

I had shares in a company that was then taken over by another business. My share then disappeared. I didn't receive a notification about this, although I could be wrong.

What happens to the shares I own in a company, when another business takes it over? Does it matter how much of a percentage I hold? If I were the majority share owner, could I block the takeover by refusing to sell my share? In fact, if I hold any percentage.... do I have any say in what happens when that company is bought out?

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  Vehicle cost per unit
Posted by: Giacomo - 11-20-2013, 02:45 AM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (1)


I've been reading some threads in this forum about vehicle costs and rising and falling inflation.

I'm playing a game now and I'm currently in the year 1912 or so. I have a car that's been in production for some time. I developed a new more powerful engine. My original car had a straight 4, this new engine is a V4. The engine cost per unit is cheaper than my older straight 4! Taking this further, I then modified my car design and replaced the straight 4 with the V4 with no other changes. The car now costs cheaper than its older inferior version. OK. So maybe this is deflation. Prices of materials may have dropped, tech has improved and made newer components cheaper to make than the older ones were. If this is the case, why hasn't the cost per unit of my older components dropped also?

Finally, bringing this example to it's extreme conclusion. I take my original car design and I "modify" it, but with my modification I make absolutely no changes. I keep the same old straight 4 engine. I put this into production and despite absolutely no difference between this car and it's older sibling, the cost per unit has dropped.

hmmmm.... am I missing something?

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  Is Marketing developed
Posted by: Giacomo - 11-14-2013, 07:13 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Just a quick one...

is the marketing side of the game still in development, or is the current system the way we can expect it to remain?

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  Branch expansion?
Posted by: Giacomo - 11-13-2013, 05:55 AM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (4)

Hi everyone,

been playing this game for a few days now. Love it. I have a question though... (I have many, but lets start with one!)

Is it possible to expand a branch without having to close it and then set up a new larger one? The original branch in the home city has the capacity for eleven employees. I can't find a way of expanding this without destroying the branch and building it from scratch!

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  Dev question ?
Posted by: Endders - 11-09-2013, 01:43 AM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (3)

What exactly is the game written in, I'm not asking for a source code etc, I'd actually like to help debug and fix some things myself if I find them or have the time too... no need to actually divulge this information would be nice for me at least.

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