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question on overall rating
Is the overall rating its own separate rating or is it the 'overall rating' ? And if it is the 'overall rating' it seems to me there is some issues with it. I did a search and could not find anything but maybe I searched wrong. I can post more if it is not listed already.
Overall rating is the combined ratings of all the features for that component. Relative to the component.
So an 80 rated i3 is not the same as an 80 v8.

On the vehicle side of things, the ratings still need some tweaking to prevent an 80 rated i3 from making the same "performance rating" as the 80 rated v8 for example.
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good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
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I just wondered because when I going to make new components I started looking at my old ones. I thought the overall would be like an average of all the other ratings but when I started looking and only the gearbox works that way. Chassis,Engine and Vehicle my overall rating is basically my lowest rated number for a sub rating.

That seemed odd to me so I then looked at some of the AI models under contracts and I could find same year / same type and the AI rankings matched closer to average of the numbers instead of being the lowest number of a sub rating like mine show up.

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