I have done as i said, and im quite hapy to say it can be done! As said Mob Motors entered the Chicago market with fabulous all-one-star (except safety with two stars) named Slippy One for production cost around 600-700 $, and now im trying to introduce full sized sedan with a average 1,5-2 stars (2,5 in driveability) for production cost of astonishing 3226$ only for ultra wealth people (i think ill sell that Sigma "Crappy" for about 5250$). Im in 1903 and producing roughly 220 cars selling 210-230 cars (Slippy "One") making between 15k-28k$ - and during research between -0,5k to -3k
And oh, didnt mention that i achieved this only selling in Chicago with a newspaper marketing "Broad Band" for 95$ a month.
Im thinking, should i give the fourth line to Slippy "One"? Got 2 free, one is reserved for producing Sigma "Crappy"
Thanks for your answers, they helped me a lot
And oh, didnt mention that i achieved this only selling in Chicago with a newspaper marketing "Broad Band" for 95$ a month.
Im thinking, should i give the fourth line to Slippy "One"? Got 2 free, one is reserved for producing Sigma "Crappy"
Thanks for your answers, they helped me a lot