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First Look - First Thoughts
I saw this game through Automation many months ago and did not know there was a Beta... anyway saw it again yesterday and thought this would be a great game... I never owned Detroit or the other car games of the 1990's on PC. SO this was really cool idea.

I went to download the 584mb or so file. Excruciatingly slow even on my fast FIOS system it was a 2 hour ordeal. Then as soon as it finished it was deleted by my Norton 360. Ugh. Wish there had been a warning. So I gave up until this morning when I have another 2 hours to kill. This time I turned off Norton 360. The download somehow was faster this morning yet still well over 1 hour.

Played (or rather clicked away) one game. Didn't get too far. Started another game, started getting the hang of it. Decided to delete the games and start a fresh new one... there is no delete option though I have already read that is in the works for 1.11 - YAH. But I could not even find the save file in my hard drive which was really strange.

Okay I know it's BETA. I've actually beta tested lots and lots of games... no biggie.

A comment on crashes. They seem to be so random that there would be no way for me to recreate it or really tell you where it happens. It seems to me though that the game was crashing more during the first turns then later. I did learn fairly quickly to Save, Save, Save. Wish I could be more helpful on crash issues.

Viewing car designs by cities, I saw that some cities are just numbered... like Portland was 194 or 195. Weird.

The data on cars built and sold seems odd to me.

It lists Reserves - Produced - Sold.

It would make more sense if it read Produced - Sold - Reserves so that it is a simple A-B=C sort of thing. Anyway, that's how my mind works.

I saw the map suddenly change around the year 1911 0r 1912... cool.

I have a third game going and was down to around $600k in cash... I mean I kept losing money. Then I raised the prices of the cars. Drastically. I went into the black again. I have 4 car designs and the first one still out sells everything... that seems strange after over 10 years that little 1 cylinder buggy still outsells everything.

Placing wheels in the design is really hard. Really really hard.

I wish there was a way to change distribution throughout all the cities with one click. Maybe there is and I haven't found it. I had to go to each city one at a time and go to distribution. I wish there was a better way to know what the target range for pricing the car would be... maybe a way to tell what consumers are willing to spend. As it is I priced the first car at like $600... eventually raising the price by 1910 to something like $2500 for that buggy and it was selling great.

I am going to start game #4 to see if I can do better sooner in the game as far as money goes. I have a new idea... I will post results...

Messages In This Thread
First Look - First Thoughts - by geozero - 01-04-2014, 11:05 PM
RE: First Look - First Thoughts - by Arakash - 01-05-2014, 08:20 AM
RE: First Look - First Thoughts - by geozero - 01-05-2014, 09:58 AM
RE: First Look - First Thoughts - by Arakash - 01-05-2014, 11:37 AM
RE: First Look - First Thoughts - by geozero - 01-05-2014, 11:49 AM
RE: First Look - First Thoughts - by Arakash - 01-05-2014, 06:35 PM

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