(01-15-2014, 07:01 AM)Laurent Tommy Flanagann Wrote: I like your assumptions!
But there should be more difficulties over this....
I explain myself: I chose London (high everything...) and I built there a high everything except technology slider factory. As a matter of facts, I originally built a high everything factory but for some reasons I do not know, cost were like crazy ($ 3M a month, for profits of like 12000, I did not find it accurate or useful so I loaded previous save)... This problem NEVER occured in my last game, based on 1.10 though... So either Eric put some balance here in the new release, but still it's f****** expensive...
Or it is because I play now on normal mode...
One relevant thing i can mention. While london is high, there are some cities nearby which are higher and have much higher growth, so i would expect the gap between it and London to be higher in the future.
Leeds beats it by:
A small amount in Infastructure,
A small amount in Labour skill
A huge amount in manufacturing growth
Leeds is equal to it in:
Manufacturing capacity
But this is likely to change FAST due to growth.
So your super expensive factory might be better off there, if you could choose between them.
Edit: Obviously you have transport costs to consider, but purely on factory quality, i think leeds is better.
(01-15-2014, 07:01 AM)Laurent Tommy Flanagann Wrote: So, tadaaaaa, here is a new question, how do I raise them?? (Also, I have to precise my researh, administrative and production skills are ABYSMAL)
This is a newly implemented feature, so i quite honestly have no idea.
For most games that include some kind of skill progression, you raise your skill by using it frequently (general EXP systems excluded).
So... i guess doing a lot of research, production and marketing makes you better at it?
I think if you play a game till the 20's 30's or something, you will likely see more clearly how it changes.