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[FIXED]Nonsensical AI Cars/Parts & No AI limit on Tech
The cars in question were models that I gained from taking over another company. The stats I mention are mostly from the R&D page, but now I noticed that the Showroom shows diferent specs all together, which appear to be more reasonable..

So it isn't as bad as I first suspected..

The AI still does choose engines poorly though. like a 1L flat 12 in a Microcar...

The AI should have a range of engines sizes and types it should use for various models.. and something like a microcar or compact should never have more than a 4 cylinder(at very most) otherwise the costs become too high for that model and makes competing with AI too easy.

Also the bug with the AI car speeds being higher I've confirmed without a doubt.. I created new model year of same vehicle and speed droped from 38kph to 26kph.. I think the problem is the AI cars have no body, and that along with the *broken aerodynamic calculations gives them much higher speed than the player can build.

* I assume these calculations are broken because they are rubbish at the moment..

One thing that I should mention that is quite annoying is that the stats are not readily accessible.. Some things show up in the showroom that the R&D page doesn't show, but the R&D page shows things (like vehicle type) that the showroom doesn't.. This is very annoying..

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RE: Nonsensical AI Cars/Parts & No AI limit on Tech - by Drake - 01-15-2014, 06:21 PM

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