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[FIXED]Add marketing budgets to all: suggestion.
(01-16-2014, 06:20 AM)Drake Wrote: Personally I don't see any practical way NOT to have an easy way on controlling all sliders..
Perhaps removing independent adjustment of sliders is going too far, but there needs to be a way of setting all sliders to a % quickly and easily.

As i said in my original response, i also still agree with Giacomo's original suggestion in the first post, which was quite specific.

On your first sentence, i dont know what your trying to prove with that line.

Edit: I edited the following part 5-10 times, trying to be polite pointing this out. I don't know if i succeeded.

I make a post in a thread:
I said I don't think it is practical do something
I give reasons 1,2 and 3 (point 2 is especially important)

Then, you respond to that post
You say you do think it is practical to do it. ("dont see any practical way to NOT do it" an extremely confusing sentence btw)
You don't provide any reasons or justification, or say any of the reasons i posted are wrong.

After that, you might understand from my perspective why i don't find this at all convincing.
Your post would be (much) more convincing if you tried to give reasons or say why my reasons are wrong.

When people only respond to the last line of my posts, i tend to assume they've skipped over or ignored large sections of it.
I don't have a problem with this, but i expect people to at least throw in a "tl : dr" or something similar.

(01-16-2014, 06:20 AM)Drake Wrote: Also the "Set All" button is broken since it allows you to spend more than maximum on advertising and isn't really practical...

We agree on this.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Add marketing budgets to all: suggestion. - by Arakash - 01-16-2014, 07:18 AM

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