(01-28-2014, 02:10 AM)Frankschtaldt Wrote: Thank you so much for the quick response and handy hints! =)
Looking forward to the government contract content!
Can I suggest that during times of war another option to military vehicles could be an engine market for powering aircraft and tanks. There could also be a smaller market for these engines during peace times. Perhaps this could somehow be implemented as part of the government contract system? Personally, I'd rather supply massive V12's for use in spitfires than trucks for transporting troops =)
Of course if you were to implement this you'd also need to introduce radial engines and that might be too much work. Still, it'd be cool =)
On a similar note: How are contracted parts supposed to work? I tried to dabble with them last night but as soon as I listed one thing for sale the game listed every available part I had at the same price (I confirmed this when I received reports that items I hadn't listed had been sold). Anyway, my question wasn't about the bug, my question is: When you contract items for sale are you selling rights for someone else to manufacture it or are you selling the finished product? If the latter, does it use up some if your factory capacity to do so? I suppose this is linked to my above idea of wanting to sell engines to the military.
Also, hurry up and release a pre-order or something so I can give you some money!!!
I just recently played a game as a company Japan during WW1 (low level conflict instead war).
Biggest thing i was forced to do was recalculate branch sizes due to the reduced sales i was getting.
(Edit: Due to the fact there are no taxes in the current version, that's probably not going to be an average experience though. Its also the main reason i wont write an AAR on it, though it would be an interesting subject. Ill just wait till the next version.)
You mentioned contracting. I think this is a really great way to guarantee income in any downturn or during wars. That supplementary income also makes it easier to downsize and stay profitable.