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Some Errors
(05-31-2014, 06:14 AM)ohm1996 Wrote: Hi Everyone

When I start a game in 1950 or in 1980, when I choose some cities, the game exits itself (this happened when I choose cities in China in 50s or 80s), another bug is when I select a 1930 starting year and choose a Bangkok as a starting city, it still contains old Red Flag with Elephant ( flag file) (appeared on Bangkok information on 1930 map), which used until 1916 and replaced by Red-White-Blue-White-Red horizontal flag from 1917 (during WWI) (Thailand.DDS flag file) (Highest Priority bug)

Some Word Fixes (Bugfixing Suggestions): Hoodscoops - Hood Scoops, Doorhandles - Door Handles, Tyre* - Tire, Centre* - Center
Monstor - Monster

Also. When I entered Car Designer and played for 30-35 minutes, it seems to responsive slowly when changing menu on bottom right and sometime it quits by itself (8xAA, Shader and Shadows enabled).

More Questions: When will be any late-model headlights and taillights?
*Words in Australian/British English

Fixed the first few bugs you mentioned. Thank you!

Spelling issues will be fixed at a future date. The late game stuff was created by our Indian subcontractors, so a few things are a bit weird like Monstor... I plan on renaming all this when we start working in new artwork.

Which menu on the bottom right are we talking about?

Set AA to 2 or 0, AA8 is probably making it very sluggish. If turn times are slow, reduce the number of AI you're playing against.

Late model headlights/taillights will come as soon as I get the decal system operational and bug free. I'm about 25% there. If I had to guess, I would say 1 month, but don't quote me on that.
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good human beings save the world, so that bastards like me can keep creating art, become immortal.
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Messages In This Thread
Some Errors - by ohm1996 - 05-31-2014, 06:14 AM
RE: Some Errors - by Eric.B - 05-31-2014, 09:36 AM
RE: Some Errors - by ohm1996 - 05-31-2014, 11:27 AM
RE: Some Errors - by Eric.B - 05-31-2014, 11:31 AM

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