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[FIXED]Nonsensical AI Cars/Parts & No AI limit on Tech
I've seen some really strange parts and vehicles..

For Example:
Microcars that were 10 metres long.

a car with 13672463274 HP that could go 1267234673 Km/h

(somewhat unrelated): Occasionally my car design "ratings" screen says that the vehicle I'm designing can transport 1/5 the population of London, but only has a top speed of -1483437843 km/h... I assume this is some sort of time machine that only goes backwards, perhaps intented to save the human race, but when I build it the stats go back to normal Tongue

AI cars that have higher, more reasonable speeds (like 40-60km/h) but when I try to design the exact same vehicle it goes 12-22 km/h

Compact cars with small displacement H10s with less HP than my single cylinder but weigh 3-4 times as much.

Pretty much every AI design I've seen is complete nonsensical madness, and I know its beta, but its too easy to out compete the AI when they build rubbish cars.. Even a basic framework for engine size/cylinders and transmission setup for each type of car would go a long way to helping that.

Also since they have no limit on tech I see 8 spd transmissiond in 1900 and its a little odd..
(01-15-2014, 02:22 AM)Drake Wrote: I've seen some really strange parts and vehicles..

For Example:
Microcars that were 10 metres long.

a car with 13672463274 HP that could go 1267234673 Km/h

(somewhat unrelated): Occasionally my car design "ratings" screen says that the vehicle I'm designing can transport 1/5 the population of London, but only has a top speed of -1483437843 km/h... I assume this is some sort of time machine that only goes backwards, perhaps intented to save the human race, but when I build it the stats go back to normal Tongue

AI cars that have higher, more reasonable speeds (like 40-60km/h) but when I try to design the exact same vehicle it goes 12-22 km/h

Compact cars with small displacement H10s with less HP than my single cylinder but weigh 3-4 times as much.

Pretty much every AI design I've seen is complete nonsensical madness, and I know its beta, but its too easy to out compete the AI when they build rubbish cars.. Even a basic framework for engine size/cylinders and transmission setup for each type of car would go a long way to helping that.

Also since they have no limit on tech I see 8 spd transmissiond in 1900 and its a little odd..

A suggestion from a player/forum user.

Could you clarify where you are actually looking at both your own and your competitors vehicle ratings/stats.

There is a known bug with the compare Vehicle screens in the "Gearcity Monthly" magazine on the Office desk which makes it show numbers that aren't accurate.
I just checked and this bug is still present in 1.11.
The cars in question were models that I gained from taking over another company. The stats I mention are mostly from the R&D page, but now I noticed that the Showroom shows diferent specs all together, which appear to be more reasonable..

So it isn't as bad as I first suspected..

The AI still does choose engines poorly though. like a 1L flat 12 in a Microcar...

The AI should have a range of engines sizes and types it should use for various models.. and something like a microcar or compact should never have more than a 4 cylinder(at very most) otherwise the costs become too high for that model and makes competing with AI too easy.

Also the bug with the AI car speeds being higher I've confirmed without a doubt.. I created new model year of same vehicle and speed droped from 38kph to 26kph.. I think the problem is the AI cars have no body, and that along with the *broken aerodynamic calculations gives them much higher speed than the player can build.

* I assume these calculations are broken because they are rubbish at the moment..

One thing that I should mention that is quite annoying is that the stats are not readily accessible.. Some things show up in the showroom that the R&D page doesn't show, but the R&D page shows things (like vehicle type) that the showroom doesn't.. This is very annoying..
Stats for all vehicles have been adjusted, and bugs in the AI design pickings have been fixed.

There is still some tweaking to be done in this system as the AI is making too many electrics and single-cylinders than I would like, but it's much better now!

As such I'll mark this thread as testing so that I may go back over it in the future.
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