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  Custom Marque Badge
Posted by: Eric.B - 05-28-2014, 04:26 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (7)

Just polling for now, how much would you be willing to spend to have a custom designed marque logo?

These would be much higher quality than the current player logos and the AI logos.
All custom logos will go into the general game for use.
You describe what you want, we approve it, we draw it, you approve it and pay, it goes into the game.

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  Thoughts on the Difficulty in 1.14?
Posted by: Arakash - 05-28-2014, 10:32 AM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (10)

After playing my first game in 1.14 (been busy since its release), i was wondering what other players thought of the difficulty in the recent version.

Personally, i found one of my old standby strategies isnt working as well as it once did.
It was a mass market strategy that required me to sell about 600ish vehicles per month in London.
The AI is now able to leech enough vehicles off my sales in 1900-1903 that i didn't reach that volume.
One AI specifically, was selling vehicles at 1k vs my 700, with similar overall values. This managed to steal about 1/3 of my sales for most of its life.

Good stuff.
I think i should be able to refine my strategy down and use it again successfully but who knows.

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  Computer Specs Poll
Posted by: Eric.B - 05-07-2014, 01:20 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (13)

I'm trying to come up with a minimum requirements specification for the game. I have some general idea of what it is, but I'd also like to poll you guys on what kind of hardware you have.

So if you know the specs of your computer please post them here!
I'm looking for:
Video Card.
Operating System.
And does the game work? If not, if possible: which version and why?

If you don't know these things, just post what brand and model of computer you have. For example I'm on an IBM R51 right now.

We're specifically looking to see how well the game runs on low end machines.

Thanks much!

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  Game crashing (freezing?)
Posted by: Newcry - 04-14-2014, 12:52 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (9)

I've created a new save today and when i press f12 in the month that my car would be finished the game just freezes. Please help me.

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  Will the game have other languages? (e. g. Portuguese)
Posted by: Newcry - 04-14-2014, 11:58 AM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (1)

I just wanna know if there will be portuguese in the game. I can actually understand english pretty well but my friends just won't play it because they don't speak english.

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  Model/component design year and age
Posted by: Frankschtaldt - 04-03-2014, 03:16 AM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (2)

This could lead onto a suggestion but I'll start with a question.

Currently, components and vehicles are both aged by the year the design work started on them and not the year they were actually released.

We already know that components deteriorate as they age. Does this process start with the year the item is designed (the displayed age) or the year it is actually released?

I know for a lot of components it generally doesn't matter unless you start work on them late in the year but a lot of vehicles take longer than a year to design. I've had a limo that took over two years from start to finish in one game I played.

In real life and I'm assuming in later game, it takes a lot longer than 2 years to fully design and prepare a vehicle for release.

I guess what I'm getting at is if things are the way they appear, many vehicles you release have stated deteriorating before they even hit the market.

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  AI Car Design
Posted by: freeman2344 - 03-12-2014, 09:20 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (1)


how is AI Car Design currently handled? According to the files, the AI companies have preferences regarding certain vehicle characteristics. But what about the actual design phase? Does the AI actually research components on its own, or is there a hard-coded list of components or even vehicles that the AI has access to? I am asking, because there are a number of oddities, such as AI cars with 9HP getting up to 230km/h, which leads me to believe they are somewhat not bound to the same design restrictions the player is (which is not necesarily a bad thing, just curious).

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  How do I turn off music?
Posted by: geozero - 03-12-2014, 08:33 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (1)

There's a volume slide but I guess that takes out all sound - not sure what other sounds there are - but if there are clicks and pops, and such I would like to hear them WITHOUT the music.

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  Tutorials Format
Posted by: Arakash - 02-24-2014, 10:39 AM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (9)

Seeing as tutorials are coming up in the next version, i was wondering what format people prefer their tutorials in or games where they've seen types of tutorials they can remember liking.
The tutorials are going to be a good thing for the game imo, especially for new players regardless of what format they are in, but i thought it was an interesting discussion anyway.

My understanding is that in the next version we will be getting a bunch of non-interactive tutorial videos which will open up outside of Gearcity and a manual which will be able to be opened ingame.

Ill start by saying that ive seen tutorials in a bunch of different games, in formats ranging from a series of Forum posts by a developer, printable ones in manual, to tutorial videos ingame and fully interactive tutorials ingame.
My preference is for fully interactive tutorials, where you are pointed towards things inside the game's interface/GUI, though a series of small scenarios. I dont think they have to be voiced, but i consider being pointed to various aspects of the interface and instructed with text onscreen to be ideal.
I realize that format can take a lot of time/effort, so i dont mind having the proposed tutorial videos as a compromise, as ive seen that work well in several games.

A genre relevant example is the Automation Game, which has tutorial videos which pop up when you click on a button for the first time when your designing.
Ive seen them in several other games. I was playing one just today that allows you to access them through its launcher application (which you access the game through), which then opens up tutorial videos outside the game for you to watch.
In both cases i think these videos are useful to the player.

Id be interested to hear if anyone wants to share their ideal or their preference for tutorials.

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  Another freight discussion
Posted by: Frankschtaldt - 02-23-2014, 04:20 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion - Replies (9)

Been pretty quiet in here of late (excluding the little spam attack the other day). I guess people are waiting for 1.12 to hit. I know I am!

Anyway, I was curious about freight costs and whether vehicle size or weight had any effect on it so I did a little test to check:
I started an easy game in London and made a quick and cheap micro car, sedan and full sized sedan and then opened a branch in New York. I then made 3 of each vehicle at a time (one body type each month) and sold them in New York only. So, I had the same number of vehicles shipped each month the same distance (and just to keep everything equal, sold for the same price) but the vehicles were all different weights and sizes.
The end result? Freight cost was identical for all three.

The shortcoming of my test was that all the vehicles were made from the same components so while the Full sedan was about 30% heavier than the micro they were still all under 1000kg. I might try again tonight but make the bigger car from a bigger, heavier frame to push it's weight well over the smaller car to confirm my findings over a broader weight and size range.

Anyway, I was curious so I figured other people might be as well =)

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