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Exposing API to play the ...
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12-07-2024, 11:52 PM
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Infos about real car comp...
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11-22-2024, 04:12 AM
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Setting Buying range in t...
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GearCity questions
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11-19-2024, 03:34 AM
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[$3000] #19 | Complete Fa...
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11-03-2024, 01:57 AM
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[$20] #324 Auto-Financing...
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11-01-2024, 12:24 PM
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[$50] #97 | Remove Relati...
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[TESTING] I can't seem to...
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[$700] #339 Bottom Bar Ac...
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[$800] #126 | Backorder S...
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long time player/first time poster/thoughts for Eric |
Posted by: cavjj - 11-15-2014, 07:48 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion
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Followed forum and dev updates (albeit infrequently) for a while now but never really commented, just some general thoughts.
- You've created a brilliant game. The comments below are purely constructive. Whether there's action or not on the stuff below, I personally consider GC fun to play. So considering you've dev'd it on your own, well done and congrats.
- Mouse issues. The current updates suggests "mouse lag fixed" in the log. I'm not sure what that actually refers to, but mouse performance for me is quite frustrating for two reasons. For clarity I play GC on a windows7 (64bit, SP1) laptop using the chassis touchpad as mouse. First mouse takes 4,5 finger replacements to move across the GC UI that doesn't match my windows settings (As in, moving finger fully from left to right moves mouse pointer ~20% of the screen.) It's just quite slow and frustrating.
- Custom reports. Why? I hope these can some how make it into a standard option in the reports. I just don't get why there's the effort of making them "custom" and not just preseted as standard. It could of course be beneficial to people wanting to compare certain aspects, but I wish some of the information within I didn't have to go particularly hunting for. Lazy I guess, I'd be interested to know if people agree
- Further to mouse issues, the pointer is trapped for me withing the GC Window. I actually have to CtrlAltDel if I want to multitask within the OS. Want to stop GC for a second and use the internet? Well my mouse is trapped so I can't click Start or use desktop, CtrlAltDel for me is genuinely the only option.
- Contracts/Fleets a very welcome and well worked addition. Curious to see if I can make a company out of just contracting parts.
- Also personally very welcomed is the improvement to clickable wheels while designing cars. Originally I struggled so much placing axles/wheels on cars that I just didn't bother designing the look of the car. I couldn't do it so just ignored it. Clickable tire placement seems to work now, so thank you for that.
- AI business performance I think is usually spot on compared to selected difficulty.
- Competitor prices. It would be genuinely beneficial to make it easier to understand how much competitors are selling their models for. I admit I may have missed a report (or magazine section?) that gives you this. Just wish it was a bit easier to find.
Anyway, congratulations again on GearCity, I hope it turns out to be everything you want it to be.
Best way to improve image? |
Posted by: Dave-ROR - 09-16-2014, 08:17 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion
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So I went from Fantastic in image to Abysmal in about 2 months. Granted I had some old car models selling still (couldn't produce enough of them so I didn't stop making them yet) and I wasn't racing, but I thought that was quite the extreme drop (and sales went from 100% sold every month to about 10%). I redesigned everything, and sales went back up for a few months but the image ranking never changed. Started racing, and kept redesigning models often (every year or so) but the only way I could keep sales is by staggering those and I never returned to the level before the image dropped.
Now with 1.15.4 it doesn't matter for my old game, but I wanted to see how the rest of you improve image once it drops for whatever reason.
Production speed effect on quality |
Posted by: Frankschtaldt - 07-18-2014, 07:02 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion
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I'm wondering if anyone has a good idea (or if Eric is willing to explain) if the "Production speed" slider in the factory window has any effect on perceived quality of the vehicles you produce or if it only effects the number of cars you can make per line?
I've always turned it towards quality rather than quantity when making high end vehicles but I've seen no real evidence that I'm actually gaining anything from doing that.
Best Early Game Tactics |
Posted by: -root - 07-13-2014, 08:39 PM - Forum: Archive: General Discussion
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What is the best way to approach the early game?
Right now I'm struggling to create a successful company early on.
the things i've tried so far:
- Crappy & Cheap
Creating three designs all based around the cheapest and crappiest components I can.
- Solid
Again, going for a couple of designs all based off decent stuff. So levelling out each slider and just making a middle of the road design.
- Expensive
This is just an express train to bankruptcy. Any time I try to make a high quality anything, I just can't make enough money off what I sell.
I've been doing my best to tweak production to be basically exactly what I sell. But in all examples I can't get enough profit out of the cars to make a decent amount of money.
What way is the best to approach the early game to get yourself established? I'm picking designs that are in demand (either above average or high) and trying to sell them. Just not having a lot of success at this point!